Problema Solution

Two planes start at the same time from points that are 1550 kilometers apart. How long will it take the two planes to meet if plane A flies at 220 kilometers an hour and plane B flies at 280 kilometers an hour?

Answer provided by our tutors


v1 = 220 km/h the speed of plane A

v2 = 280 km/h the speed of plane B

d = 1550 km the distance between A and B

t = the time needed for the planes to meet

since speed = distance/time we have distance = speed*time

the distance of plane A + the distance of plane B = the total distance

v1*t + v2*t = d

220t + 280t = 1550

by solving we find:

t = 3.1 hr

t = 3 hr o.1*60 min

t = 3 hr 6 min

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the planes will meet in 3 hours and 6 minutes.