Problema Solution

Three types of trees are in a local park. The number of aspens is 4 more than twice as many oaks, and the number of maples is 50 more than the number of oaks. There are a total of 875 trees in the part. How many of each kind are there?

Answer provided by our tutors


x = the number of aspens

y = the number of oaks

z = the number of maples

where x, y and z are positive integers

the number of aspens is 4 more than twice as many oaks

x = 4 + 2y

the number of maples is 50 more than the number of oaks

z = 50 + y

there are a total of 875 trees in the part

x + y + z = 875

by solving the system of equations:

x = 4 + 2y

z = 50 + y

x + y + z = 875

we find:

x = 414.5 aspens

y = 205.25 oaks

z = 255.25 maples

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thus we conclude the system thus the problem has no integer solutions.