Problema Solution
john works two jobs. as a security guard he earns $8.50 per hour. as a landscaper he earns $14.00 per hour. one week john worked a total of 40 hours and earned 411.50. how many hours did he work at each job?
Answer provided by our tutors
x = the hours John worked as security guard
y = the hours John worked as landscaper
one week john worked a total of 40 hours:
x + y = 40
and earned 411.50:
8.50x + 14.00y = 411.50
by solving the system of equations:
x + y = 40
8.50x + 14.00y = 411.50
we find:
x = 27 hours
y = 13 hours
click here to see the step by step solution of the system of equations:
John worked 27 hours as security guard and 13 hours as landscaper.