Problema Solution

I have chosen to use this scenario for the differences between equation and inequality. First I must find the key notes that make the equation a problem to work. Im making some variables and that would be the amount that I make by the hour is H= an hour. The new scenario is going to go like this if I work 40 hours a week then week is =W Beside 40 looks like this H + 40w = 620

Answer provided by our tutors

EQUATION is a mathematical statement in which you show that two amounts are equal using mathematical symbols:

E.g. 5x-4=16 , x=4


And a Inequality is mathematical relationship that makes use of the way in which numbers are ordered.For example, the inequality 3<6 says that the number 3 is less than the number 6. 

You can solve an inequality in the same way of a inequation except that the direction of the inequality must be reversed when multiplying or dividing by negative numbers. 


-4x +12 >0




the answer means that any value for x that is more than 3 will be a solution 

A large amount of numbers is the answer

for examlpe for your problem 

h+40w=620  is a equation