Problema Solution

The following function expresses profit in terms of the number of phones sold by a particular company: P(x) = -x^2 + 110x - 1000: compute the following: P(5), P(50), and P(120), then interpret the results. Graph the function using the Padowan Graph. Discuss and interpret the meaning where the profit function crosses the x-axis. Discuss where the graph is above and below the x-axis, explain what that means in terms of profitability.

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P(5)=-5^2+110*5+1000 =1525.


p(120)=-120^2+110*120+1000 =-200.

If the profit fucntion crosses x axis then P(x)=0, This is the break eevn point.

If th graph is above x axis P(x) is positive and it indicates gaining.

If th graph is below  x axis P(x) is negative e and it indicates losses.

P(x)=0 x^2-110x-1000=0.

By solving x=110,-8.4.