Problema Solution

A rectangular field is 80 meters wide and 115 meters long.

Give the length and width of another rectangular field that has the same perimeter but a larger area.

Answer provided by our tutors

the perimeter of the rectangular field that is 80 meters wide and 115 meters long is:

P = 2(80 + 115) = 390 m

while the area is:

A = 80*115

A = 9,200 m^2

another rectangular field that has the same perimeter but a larger area is for example the field with:

w = 90 m width

l = (1/2)(390 - 2*90)

l = 105 m length

the area is:

A1 = 90*105

A1 = 9,450 m^2 larger than the are of the first rectangle A = 9,200 m^2.