Problema Solution

In 3 minutes, a conveyor belt moves 300 pounds of recyclable aluminum from delivery truck to a storage area. A smaller belt moves the same quantity of cans the same distance in 8 minutes. If both belts are used, find how long it takes to move the cans to the storage area.

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In 3 minutes, a conveyor belt moves 300 pounds of recyclable aluminum from delivery truck to a storage area thus the rate of the conveyor belt is: 300/3 pound per min = 100 pounds per min

A smaller belt moves the same quantity of cans the same distance in 8 minutes thus the rate of the smaller belt is: 300/8 pounds per min = 37.5 pounds per min

the the both belts are used the together rate is 100 + 37.5 = 137.5 pound per min

let t represent the time needed for the cans to be moved to the storage area when both belts are used

137.5*t = 300

by solving we find:

t = 24/11 hr

t = 2 hr 2*60/11 min

t = 2 hr 11 min approximately

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it takes 2 hours and 11 minutes approximately to move the cans to the storage area.