Problema Solution

A plane travels at a speed of

210 mph in still air. Flying with a tailwind, the plane is clocked over a distance of

675 miles. Flying against a headwind, it takes

1 hour longer to complete the return trip. What was the wind velocity? (Round your answer to the nearest tenth.)

Answer provided by our tutors


v = 210 mph the speed of the plane in still air

w = the wind velocity, w>0

d = 675 mi the distance that the plane flew in each direction

v + w = 210 + w is the speed of the plane when flying with tailwind

v - w = the speed of the plane when flying with headwind

since speed = distance/time follows time = distance/speed

d/(v - w) + 1 = d/(v + w)

675/(210 - w) + 1 = 675/(210 + w)


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w = 1381.9 mph

The wind velocity was 1381.9 mph.