Calculator Comparison Guide

  TI-82 TI-83+ TI-85 TI-86
Absolute Value [2nd], <ABS>. Shows abs
on the screen, does not put a

[2nd], <CATALOG>,
[ENTER]. Can also be
accessed by [ MATH ], right
arrow to NUM, press
[ENTER] to access 1:abs(
Shows abs( on the screen,
enters a left parenthesis.

[2nd], <CATALOG>,
[ENTER] to access abs. A
parenthesis is not
entered. Can
also be accessed under [2nd],
<MATH>, [F1] to access
NUM, [F5] to access abs.

[2nd], <CATLG-VARS>, [F1]
to access CATLG, [ENTER] to
access abs. A parenthesis is
not automatically entered. Can
also be accessed under [2nd],
<MATH>, [F1] to access
NUM, [F5] to access abs.

Square Root Press [2nd], <•>.
A parenthesis is not displayed
after the square root symbol .

Press [2nd], <•>.
A parenthesis is displayed
after the square root symbol .

Press [2nd], <•>.
A parenthesis is not displayed
after the square root symbol.

Press [2nd], <•>.
A parenthesis is not displayed
after the square root symbol.

Cube Root Press [MATH], . A
parenthesis is not displayed.

Press [MATH], (.
A parenthesis is displayed.

See next row. See next row.
Nth Root
Will take any designated root
of a radicand.
Enter the root number, press
[MATH], .
A parenthesis is not

Enter the root number, press
[MATH], .
A parenthesis is not

Enter the root number, press
[2nd], <MATH>, [F5] to
access MISC, [MORE], [F4]
to access . Can also be
accessed by [2nd],
<CATALOG>, arrow up until
you reach . A parenthesis
is not displayed.

Enter the root number, press
[2nd], <MATH>, [F5] to
access MISC, [MORE], [F4] to
access . Can also be
accessed by [2nd], <CATLG
arrow up until you
A parenthes is
is not displayed.

Factorial Press [MATH], arrow right
to PRB, arrow down to 4:!,
press [ENTER].

Press [MATH], arrow right
to PRB, arrow down to 4:!,
press [ENTER].

Press [2nd], <MATH>, [F2]
to access PROB, [F1] to
access !.

Press [2nd], <MATH>, [F2] to
access PROB, [F1] to access !.

Change a Decimal Answer
to a Fractional Answer if
the Number is Rational
Press [MATH], 1:Frac,

Press [MATH], 1:Frac,

[2nd],<MATH>, [F5] to
access MISC, [MORE], [F1]
to access Frac, [ENTER].
Can also access by [2nd],
<CATALOG>, arrow up until
you reach Frac.

[2nd], <MATH>, [F5] to
access MISC, [MORE], [F1] to
access Frac, [ENTER]. Can
also access by [2nd],
<CATLG-VARS>, [F1] to
access CATLG. Arrow up
until you reach Frac.

Parentheses Needed with
Fractions used as
Coefficients or Exponents
Both coefficients and
exponents must be in

Fractional coefficients do not
have to be in parentheses,
but fractional exponents do.

Both coefficients and
exponents must be in

Fractional coefficients do not
have to be in parentheses, but
fractional exponents do.

Raising a Negative Base
to a Rational Exponent
with a Numerator
… 1
i. e.
Negative base must be in
parentheses and exponent
must be separated into two
parts, one representing the
root (•) and the other
representing the power (2).

Entering the exponent as a
single fraction will result in an
error message.

Negative base must be in
parentheses, fractional
exponent must be in
parentheses, but may be
entered as a single fraction.

Negative base must be in
parentheses and exponent
must be separated into two
parts, one representing the
root (•) and the other
representing the power (2).

Entering the exponent as a
single fraction will not give the
real root.

Negative base must be in
parentheses, fractional
exponent must be in
parentheses, but may be
entered as a single fraction.

Complex Numbers Not available. The key to enter imaginary
numbers, i, is located above
the period key. Under
[MODE], the calculator can
be changed to give complex
answers by highlighting
a + bi instead of Real.

Press [MATH], right arrow
to CPX to display a menu of

A complex number a + bi is
entered as (a, b).
Press [2nd] <CPLX> to
display a menu of operations .

A complex number a + bi is
entered as (a, b).
Press [2nd] <CPLX> to display
a menu of operations.

Test Menu
Allows you to test for equality
or inequality. If the test is
true, a 1 will appear. If the
test is false, a 0 will appear.
Press [2nd], <TEST>.

Press [2nd], <TEST>.

Press [2nd], <TEST>.

Press [2nd], <TEST>.

Storing Values
Allows you to store values for
variables, used in evaluating an
Enter the value to be stored ,
press the [STO•]. If the
value is to be stored for x,
press [X,T,è]. If the value is
to be stored for a different
variable, press [ALPHA] and
then the key with the
appropriate letter written
above. If more than one value
is to be stored, each can be
entered on the same line ,
separated by a colon. These
values will now be used for
these variables , until other
values are stored.

Enter the value to be stored,
press the [STO•]. If the
value is to be stored for x,
press [X,T,è,n]. If the value
is to be stored for a different
variable, press [ALPHA]
and then the key with the
appropriate letter written
above. If more than one
value is to be stored, each
can be entered on the same
line, separated by a colon
These values will now be
used for these variables, until
other values are stored.

Enter the value to be stored,
press the [STO•]. If the value
is to be stored for x, press
[x-VAR]. If the value is to be
stored for a different variable ,
press [ALPHA] and then the
key with the appropriate letter
written above. If more than
one value is to be stored, each
can be entered on the same
line, separated by a colon
These values will now be used
for these variables, until other
values are stored.

Enter the value to be stored,
press the [STO•]. If the value
is to be stored for x, press
[x-VAR]. If the value is to be
stored for a different variable,
press [ALPHA] and then the
key with the appropriate letter
written above. If more than one
value is to be stored, each can
be entered on the same line,
separated by a colon These
values will now be used for
these variables, until other
values are stored.

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