Calculus I Syllabus

I highly recommend you arrange your schedule so you can attend at least some of
my office hours.


Text: Calculus: Concepts and Contexts, third edition, by James Stewart.
We meet in SCI 364 Tuesdays and Fridays from 2:50-4:00, and Wednesdays from

It is your responsibility to subscribe to the Course Conference for this course:
MATH115-04-F08. This can be done through First Class.

Course Description

We will complete the first half of the calculus curriculum. This includes, but is
not limited to: functions, graphs of functions , exponential functions , trigonometric
functions, inverse functions, composition of functions, limits, continuity, derivatives,
differentiation rules , implicit differentiation, linear approximation , related rates, max-
ima and minima of functions, optimization, curve sketching , antiderivatives, areas,
definite and indefinite integrals, fundamental theorem of calculus, substitution . A
more detailed description, along with your homework assignments, will be continu-
ously updated on the course conference: MATH115-04-F08. You must subscribe to
the course conference so you can get your homework assignments, readings, and other
course announcements.


To improve problem solving skills , logical reasoning, and algebra skills in the
context of learning calculus, which will be invaluable in your studies of science and
economics. The primary theme of this course is the measurement of rates of change
and what this tells us about a function.

Your Grade

Your grade will be a weighted average of your homework scores, and your three
exam scores, weighted according to the following percentages.

Homework (includes Quizzes) 20%
Exam 1 25%
Exam 2 25%
Final Exam 30%

Additionally, we will have two short quizzes (about a half hour long) with the purpose
of preparing you for the exam . They will take place on October 1 and November
5, exactly one week before each exam. They will each count as one homework each,
and you may submit corrections to your quiz to earn back up to half of the points
you missed. This is meant to help you distribute your studying while not penalizing
you too much for missing problems.

Exams will be graded on a curve, which normalizes the average score to an 83,
which is a \B". Homework (including the two quizzes), is not curved.

Your letter grade will be decided by what percentage of the total possible points
(weighted according to the above) that you earn. An A is 93% and above, an A-
is 90-92%, a B+ is 87-89%, a B is 83-86%, a B- is 80-82%, a C+ is 77-79%, a C is
73-77%, a C- is 70-72%, a D is 60-69%, and anything below 60% is failing. This same
scale should be used to determine a letter grade for your exams, if you are interested
in such things.


Homework is due on Fridays no later than 4 PM. It is to be turned in to an
envelope outside my door labeled Math 115. Late work is not accepted under any
circumstances. I will drop your lowest two homework scores at the end of the semester.
You must read the document entitled \Course Policies" for the full list of
homework submission guidelines. The homework you turn in on Friday will cover
the material from the previous week, so you have at least one week after the time we
cover the material in class to complete the homework. I reserve the right to change
the homework by removing problems , but I will never add any .

Exams and Quizzes

Quiz 1: Wednesday, October 1.
Exam 1: Friday, October 10.
Quiz 2: Wednesday, November 5.
Exam 2: Friday, November 14.
Final Exam: Self-scheduled

Quiz policy: Quizzes count as two homeworks each. Upon receiving your graded
quiz, you may submit corrections to earn up to half of the points you missed. The
corrections are due the Monday after you take the quiz.

Resurrection Policy: If your final exam score, considered as a percentage of
the total points possible, is higher than either of your first two exam scores, it will
replace the lower of the two. For instance, if you got 80% on Exam 1, 60% on Exam
2, and 70% on the Final Exam, then your adjusted scores would be 80%, 70%, and
70% respectively for Exam 1, Exam 2, and the Final Exam. If your scores were 80%,
60%, 55%, respectively, then your adjusted scores would remain unchanged.

Office Hours

In addition to the times indicated above, please feel free to make an appointment
to visit with me in SCI 366 either by telephone or email.

Additional Help

SCI 362 is staffed by tutors from 7-9 PM Sunday through Thursday. If you want
to look into a private tutor, please inquire at the Learning and Teaching Center.


Students with disabilities who may be taking this course may need disability
related classroom and exam accommodations and are encouraged to meet with me as
soon as possible. They should visit the Learning and Teaching Center to register for
support services.

Important Dates

Some important dates to remember:
Sept. 2: First Class
Sept. 12: Add period ends
Sept 26: Drop deadline
Oct. 1: Quiz 1
Oct. 10: Exam 1
Oct. 14: No class (fall break)
Oct. 28: No class (Tanner Conference)
Nov. 5: Quiz 2
November 14: Exam 2
November 26,28: No class (Thanksgiving)
Dec. 9: Last day of classes

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