Grade 3 Mathematics Curriculum Guides

Learning Target
Wisconsin Assessment
Descriptors for Mathematics
(For Beginning Grade 4)
Throughout The Year A.
Note: Mathematical processes
need to be embedded in all
mathematical strands
throughout the school year.
Math processes are assessed on
the WKCE-CRT and reported
as a separate proficiency area.
For example, students are
asked to provide written
justifications and explanations,
pose problems, and represent
1) Reasoning: Use reasoning and logic to:
• Perceive patterns
• Identify relationships
Formulate questions
• Pose problems
• Make conjectures
• Justify strategies
• Test reasonableness of results

2) Communication: Communicate mathematical ideas and reasoning using the vocabulary of mathematics in a variety of ways (e.g., using words, numbers, symbols, pictures, charts, tables, diagrams, graphs, and models).

3) Connections: Connect mathematics to the real world as well as within

4) Representations: Create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas.

5) Problem Solving: Solve and analyze routine and non-routine problems



Time Curricular Connections
MPS Learning Targets Wisconsin State Framework Assessment
District Model

13 teaching


27 teaching

*The time allotted
and the emphasis
on this lesson are
at the discretions
of the teacher.
These sub-skills
are beyond the
parameters of the
state descriptors
for 3rdgrade.


9 teaching days

*The time allotted
and the emphasis
on this lesson are
at the discretions
of the teacher.
These sub-skills
are beyond the
parameters of the
state descriptors
for 3rd grade.



Chapter 9: Fractions
and Measurement

9.6 Fractions on the
Number Line (NO&R)

9.7 Fractions and Sets

9.8 Finding Fractional
Parts of a Set (NO&R)

9.9 Adding and

9.10 Mixed Numbers

9.11 Problem-Solving
Strategy: Solve a Simpler
(NO&R, G)

9.12 Length (M)

9.13 Measuring to the
Nearest ½ and ¼ Inch (M)

9.14 Length in Feet and
Inches (M)

9.15 Feet, Yards, and Miles (M)

9.16 Problem Solving
Skill: Extra or Missing
Information (Not in 3rdgrade Targets or

Chapter 9: Fractions
and Measurement

9.17 Problem-Solving
Applications: Buttons

Chapter 10: Decimals
and Measurement

10.1 Tenths (NO&R) *

10.2 Hundredths

10.3 Comparing and
Ordering Decimals

10.4 Adding and
Subtracting Decimals

10.5 Problem-Solving
Strategy: Make an
Organized List

10.6 Centimeters and
Decimeters (M)

10.7 Meters and
Kilometers (M)

10.8 Problem-Solving
Skill: Writing to Explain
(M, AR)

10.9 Problem-Solving
Applications: Beaver

Chapter 11:
Multiplying and
Dividing Greater

11.1 Mental Math:
Multiplication Patterns

11.2 Estimating Products

11.3 Mental Math:
Division Patterns

11.4 Estimating
Quotients (NO&R)

11.5 Multiplication and
Arrays (NO&R)

11.6 Breaking Numbers
Apart to Multiply

11.7 Multiplying Two-
Digit Numbers (NO&R)

11.8 Multiplying Three-
Digit Numbers (Not in 3rd
grade Targets or

11.9 Multiplying Money
(Not in 3rd grade Targets
or Descriptors)

11.10 Choose a
Computation Method
(Not in 3rd grade Targets
or Descriptors)

11.11 Problem-Solving
Strategy: Using Logical
Reasoning (Not in 3rd
grade Targets or

1.12 Using Objects to
(NO&R, AR)

11.13 Breaking Numbers
Apart to Divide *

11.14 Dividing

11.15 Problem-Solving
Skill: Interpreting
Remainders *

11.16 Problem-Solving
Applications: Steam
Trains *

Chapter 12:
Measurement and

12.1 Customary Units of
Capacity (M)

12.2 Milliliters and Liters

12.3 Problem-Solving
Strategy: Work
Backward (AR)

12.4 Customary Units of
Weight (M)

12.5 Grams and
Kilograms (M)

12.6 Temperature (M)

12.7 Describing Chances

12.8 Fair and Unfair

12.9 Probability (S&P)

12.10 Problem- Solving
Skill: Writing to
Explain Problem-
Applications :
Dinosaur park


Number Operations and

Represent and use concepts of
multiplication (e.g., grouping, arrays,
skip counting, repeated addition) and
division (i.e., sharing, measuring,
repeated subtraction) to solve
problems with and without context.

Number Operations and
Relationships #3

Use part-whole and set models to
represent, compare, and solve
problems with fractions less than,
equal to, and greater than one whole.
(9.6, 9.7, 9.8, 9.9, 9.10, 9.11)

Geometry # 4
Describe, compare, and use
properties of polygons (2-D) and polyhedra (3-D) when they are
combined, decomposed, and
transformed (e.g., slides, flips, and
turns), and identify locations of
figures on a coordinate system.

Measurement #5
Use appropriate standard and nonstandard units to compare and
estimate measurable attributes of
objects, including area and perimeter, and make simple unit conversions
within a measurement system.
(9.12, 9.13, 9.14, 9.15)

Measurement #6
Read and interpret customary and
metric measuring instruments and
determine time to the nearest minute
and elapsed time in real -world
situations. (9.12, 9.13, 9.14, 9.15)

Measurement #5
Use appropriate standard and nonstandard
units to compare and
estimate measurable attributes of
objects, including area and perimeter,
and make simple unit conversions
within a measurement system.
(10.6, 10.7, 10.8)

Algebraic Relationships #9
Describe, extend, and make
generalizations about geometric and
numeric patterns, including odd and
even numbers.
(10.8, 11.3, 11.5, 11.6, 11.12)

Number Operations and
Relationships #2

Represent and use concepts of
multiplication (e.g., grouping, arrays,
skip counting, repeated addition) and
division (i.e., sharing, measuring,
repeated subtraction) to solve
problems with and without context.
(11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 11.12)

Measurement #6

Read and interpret customary and
metric measuring instruments and
determine time to the nearest minute
and elapsed time in real-world
situations. (12.1, 12.2, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6)

Algebraic Relationships #9

Describe, extend, and make
generalizations about geometric and
numeric patterns, including odd and
even numbers. (12.3)

Statistics & Probability #8

Determine the likelihood (e.g., more,
less, or equally likely) and fairness of
events, and describe and predict
outcomes and combinations of
simple events. (12.7, 12.8, 12.9)



Number Operations and Relationships

B.a:4 Count by 2s, 3s, 5s, 10s, 25s, and 100s starting with any multiple and 100s starting with any number.
Identify and name counting patterns. (9.11)

B.a:6 Identify a fractional part of a collection/set or
parts of a whole. (9.6, 9.7, 9.8, 9.11)

B.b:12 Use fractions to represent quantities when
solving problems involving equal sharing or
partitioning including fractions less than one as well as
mixed numbers. (9.10, 9.17)

B.b:13 Represent fractions with shaded circles, rods,
squares or pictorial representations of objects (for a
set). (9.11)

B.b:15 Determine reasonableness of answers (9.11)


C.a:1 Identify, describe and compare properties of 2 and 3 dimensional figures such as squares, triangles, rectangles, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, pattern block
shapes, circles , cubes, pyramids, rectangular prisms,
tetrahedrons, cylinders, and spheres (e.g. comparing
sides, faces, corners, and edges). (9.11)

C.b:3 Identify cubes and square pyramid shapes from
their nets (flat patterns). (9.11)

C.b:4 Apply concepts of single-motion geometry (e.g.,
slides, flips, and turns) to match two identical shapes.


D.a:1 Describe attributes of length, time, temperature,
liquid capacity, weight/mass, volume and identify
appropriate units to measure them. Units include:
inches, feet, yards, miles, meters, centimeters,
millimeters, cups, quarts, gallons, liters, seconds,
minutes, hours, days, months, years, ounces, pounds,
grams and degrees Fahrenheit/Celsius. (9.12)

D.a:2 Compare attributes of length, volume and weight
by observation or when given actual measurements.
9.13, 9.14, 9.15)

D.a:3 Make measurement conversions within a system
(e.g., yards to feet; feet to inches; hours to minutes;
days to hours; years to months; gallons to quarts). (9.13,
9.14, 9.15)

D.b:4 Read and interpret measuring instruments to
determine the measurement of objects with nonstandard
and standard units to the nearest centimeter,
1/4-inch. (9.12, 9.13)

D.c:9 Apply estimation techniques using non-standard
units. (9.12)


D.a:1 Describe attributes of length, time, temperature,
liquid capacity, weight/mass, volume and identify
appropriate units to measure them. Units include:
inches, feet, yards, miles, meters, centimeters,
millimeters, cups, quarts, gallons, liters, seconds,
minutes, hours, days, months, years, ounces, pounds,
grams and degrees Fahrenheit/Celsius. (10.6, 10.7,

Algebraic Relationships

F.a:1 Recognize, extend, describe, create, and
replicate a variety of patterns including attribute,
number and geometric patterns. Such as:
• Picture patterns
• Patterns in tables and charts
• “What’s-my-rule?” patterns
• Patterns using addition and subtraction rules
Focusing on relationships within patterns as well as
extending patterns e.g., patterns and relationships
represented with pictures, tables and charts; “what’smy-
rule?” patterns using addition and subtraction rules.
(11.3, 11.5, 11.6, 11.12)

F.c:7 Use simple equations in a variety of ways to
demonstrate the properties. (10.8)

Number Operations and Relationships

B.b:10 Demonstrate understanding of multiplication
as grouping or repeated addition or arrays in problems
with and without context (without context up to 5 x 9;
in context products up to 100). (11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7)

B.b:11 Demonstrate understanding of the concept of
division as repeated subtraction, partitioning/sharing,
or measuring (dividend up to 45 and divisors up to 5).
(11.4, 11.12)

B.b:15 Determine reasonableness of answers. (11.1,
11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 11.12)


D.a:1 Describe attributes of length, time, temperature,
liquid capacity, weight/mass, volume and identify
appropriate units to measure them. Units include:
inches, feet, yards, miles, meters, centimeters,
millimeters, cups, quarts, gallons, liters, seconds,
minutes, hours, days, months, years, ounces, pounds,
grams and degrees Fahrenheit/Celsius. (12.1, 12.,
12.4, 12.5, 12.6)

D.a:2 Compare attributes of length, volume and
weight by observation or when given actual
measurements. (12.1, 12.2, 12.4, 12.5, )

D.a:3 Make measurement conversions within a system
(e.g., yards to feet; feet to inches; hours to minutes;
days to hours; years to months; gallons to quarts).
(12.1, 12.2, 12.4, 12.5)

Algebraic Relationship

F.a:1 Recognize, extend, describe, create, and
replicate a variety of patterns including attribute,
number and geometric patterns. Such as:
• Picture patterns
• Patterns in tables and charts
• “What’s-my-rule?” patterns
• Patterns using addition and subtraction rules
Focusing on relationships within patterns as well as
extending patterns e.g., patterns and relationships
represented with pictures, tables and charts; “what’smy-
rule?” patterns using addition and subtraction rules.

Statistics & Probability

E.b:5 Determine if the occurrence of future events are
more, less, or equally likely to occur . (12.7, 12.8, 12.9,12.10)

E.b:6 Design a fair and an unfair spinner. (12.8, 12.10)

Statistics and Probability

E.b:7 Predict the outcomes of a simple event using
words to describe probability. Ex: Flipping a coin has a
1 out of 2 chance of getting a head. (12.7, 12.8, 12.9,

E.b:8 Describe and determine the number of
combinations for choosing 2 out of 3 items. Ex: Red
hat, blue jacket and green jacket. What are the
combinations of wearing a hat and a jacket? (12.8,
12.9, 12.10)




CABS # 1, 5

CABS # 2

MPS Algebraic
CABS #12

MPS Number
Operation and
CABS #4, 10

MPS Measurement
CABS #1, 7, 8

MPS Statistics & Probability CABS
#1, 2, 3, 4, 5


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