MATH 105 - Intermediate Algebra

Course Description:
Topics include linear and quadratic equations, graphing, polynomials, roots, radicals, and system of equations. A lab component is used to reinforce the concepts of the topics introduced in class.

Completion of MTH 101 with a minimum of “C” or a satisfactory level of competence on the SAT.

Course Rationale:
This course is designed for students who need additional preparation to attain entrance level requirements for the pre-calculus sequences: MTH 131/132, MTH 151/153. It will also satisfy the minimum general education mathematics requirement. Students will be given the skills to appreciate mathematics for its beauty and power.

Goals & Measurable Intended Student Learning Outcomes:

To provide an adequate foundation for the student’s success in pre-calculus. At a competence level not less than 70%, the student will be able to:

1. Recall and/or recognize mathematical definitions, facts, and symbols.
2. Perform mathematical computations and algebraic manipulations with understanding, accuracy, and efficiency.
3. Analyze and solve problems .

Course Materials/Requirements/Required Text:

Each student should:
1. prepare for each lecture by reading the appropriate topic(s).
2. devote a minimum of 6 hours per week for preparation.
3. attend all lectures and keep a notebook of lecture notes and solved problems.
4. complete and turn in all assignments on time.
5. have a scientific calculator .

Text: “INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA” by Tussy and Gustafson, 3nd edition

Available Supplements:
An Interactive Video Skillbuilder CD is included with the purchase of a new textbook

Primary Method(s) of Instruction/Methods to Engage Students:

The course will consist of lectures on relevant topics, followed by class discussion associated with the subject. Assigned homework problems will aid the student in mastering the algebraic concepts presented in class.

Coursre Outline:

Week Number  Topics  Sections
1 The Rectangular Coordinate System, Graphing Linear Equations
2 Rate of Change and the Slope of a Line 2.3
3 Writing Equations of Lines 2.4
4 Introduction to Functions ( Terminology and notation only)
Graphs of Functions (Examples 2, 3, 4 only)
Test 1
2.5, 2.6
5 Solving systems by Graphing, Solving Systems Algebraically
( Substitution Method Only)
3.1, 3.2
6 The Greatest Common Factor and Factoring by Grouping 
Factoring Trinomials
7 Test 2, The Difference of Two Squares ;
Sum and Difference of Two Cubes
8 Summary of Factoring Techniques, Solving Equations by Factoring 5.8,8.9
9 Rational Functions and Simplifying Rational Expressions
Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions
6.1, 6.2
10 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions 6.3
11 Test 3, Complex Fractions 6.4
12 Solving Rational Equations,
Radical Expressions and Radical Functions
 6.7, 7.1
13 Rational Exponents
Radical Equations (Single radicals only),
Complex Numbers (Introduce i only)
7.2, 7.5, 7.7
14 Test 4  
15 Completing the Square, The Quadratic Formula 8.1, 8.2

Final Exam: Monday, December 3, 2007 8:00-10:00am

The schedule is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor or depending upon the progress of the class.

Related University – Wide and Course – Specific Requirements

Quantitative Reasoning: Most of the math concepts have applications that require quantitative reasoning.
Scientific Reasoning: Most of the math applications require the use of scientific reasoning.
Oral Communication: The student demonstrates this through classroom discussions and explanations at the board.
Critical Thinking; Most of the math concepts and applications require critical thinking.
Evaluation: Student’s final grades will be determined as follows:

• Lab Tests-15%* The following grades are guaranteed A: 90-100 A-: 88-89
• Tests-55%   B+: 86-87 B: 80-85 B-:78-79
• Quizzes-10%   C+: 76-77 C: 70-75 C-: 68-69
• Final-20%   D+: 66-67 D: 60-65 D-: 58-59
    F: 58 or Below

The instructor reserves the right to revise the grading criteria as appropriate and will make reasonable attempts to notify students as time permits.

*The Lab Component is a Computer Technology Requirement for MTH 105. Students will report to BMH, Room C227, to complete the Lab Tests

Academic Integrity Policies: Information regarding academic misconduct, disciplinary procedures, and sanctions regarding such misconduct may be obtained by consulting the NSU Student Handbook.

In accordance with section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, we ask if you have a disability or think you have a disability please make contact with Supporting Students through Disability Services (SSDS) Office.

Location: Lyman Beecher Brooks Library
Rm. 240 (2nd Floor) – Assistive Technology Lab

Contact Person: Marian E. Shepherd, Coordinator
Telephone: 823-2014

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