College Algebra

Prerequisite: Mathematics 130B or equivalent, or an acceptable score on the mathematics section
of the ACT or the quantitative section of the SAT I.

Course Overview:
This course is a followup to Intermediate Algebra, and is intended to provide
the algebra skills necessary for further study in mathematics and the sciences . Students who need
only the minimum 3 semester credit hours of mathematics for the core curriculum requirement may
want to consider Math 1332 (Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics) as an alternative, while
Math 1311 (Mathematics for Business, I) may be a better choice for some majors. Check with me
or your major field advisor if you have questions about the appropriateness of this course for your
intended degree.

Text: College Algebra, by J.S. Ratti & Marcus McWaters, along with an access code for "My-
MathLab". The material to be covered is indicated on the attached sheet.

The course grade will be determined using a 90-80-70-60 scale (no curve), applied to
the total number of points earned on homework, three regular exams, and the final exam. Your
homework average will count as 16% of the overall course grade, and each of the four exam scores
will count as 21%.

Homework: Homework will be done using the on-line "MyMathLab" system. Information on
getting started with MyMathLab is on the last page of this document.

Exams: Dates for the three regular exams will usually be announced at least a week in advance. I
generally do not give makeup exams (see below), but your lowest regular exam score will be replaced
by your final exam score if this is to your advantage. The final exam will be cumulative, and
is scheduled for Monday, December 7, 1:00-3:00.

Attendance & Absences:

(a.) In order to comply with University regulations, I will ask that you initial an attendance roster
on those days that you are present . Attendance does not contribute directly toward your grade.
However, it is important for your success - you should attend class regularly, take good notes, and
do all of the homework if you hope to do well in this class.

(b.) Absence from class, even for illness or family emergency, does not automatically entitle you to
make up a missed exam or to submit late homework assignments. In general, no late homework as-
signments will be accepted. No makeup exams will be administered except possibly in documented
cases of serious illness or emergency. However, I will replace your lowest exam grade (a 0 if the
exam is missed) by your score on the final exam, if this is to your advantage, and I will also drop
your three lowest homework scores.

(c.) If you miss class for any reason, even for University-sponsored activities, such as athletic
events, performances, etc., it is still your responsibility to get your homework submitted on time,
to remain aware of subsequent assignments, and to keep up with class material.

Classroom Expectations and Policies:

(1.) Students are expected to be present when class begins - habitual tardiness is discourteous and
(2.) Students who sleep during class may be invited to leave.
(3.) No electronic communication or entertainment devices are allowed during class - turn o® and
put away your cell phones, iPods and other MP3 players, PDAs, etc.

Some University Policies:

(1.) Angelo State University expects its students to maintain complete honesty and integrity in
their academic pursuits. Students are responsible for understanding the Academic Honor Code,
students are expected to adhere to the rules on Academic Honesty specified in Chapter VI, Section
5.3 of the Student Handbook. Violators will be penalized in accordance with University policy.
(2.) Persons with disabilities which may warrant academic accommodations must contact the
Student Life Office, Room 112 University Center, in order to request such accommodations prior
to any accommodations being implemented. You are encouraged to make this request early in the
semester so that appropriate arrangements can be made.

Miscellaneous Remarks:

(1.) This course covers a lot of material at a rapid pace. You should plan on allocating at least
hours per day (every day) for study in order to do well. Some students will need to spend
more time than this.

(2.) A calculator will be required for some portions of the course, but an ordinary scientific
calculator, typically available for less than $10, will be adequate. However, calculators will NOT
be allowed on exams.

(3.) Because I drop three homework scores and allow you to replace one regular exam score by the
final exam score, I do not then again curve grades at the end of the semester. My 90-80-70-60 scale
means what it says.

(4.) Please come by during Office Hours if you need extra help with the material or if you need to
discuss anything pertaining to the course. However, please note that Office Hours are not intended
as personal tutoring sessions for students who intentionally miss class.

(5.) Free tutoring is available in the "Math Lab". Tentative hours are MTWR 2:00-5:00 in MCS
215, MTWR 6:00-8:00 in MCS 211, and F 2:00-4:00 in MCS 215.
(6.) The main keys to success in this course are: attending class regularly, taking good notes,
completing all assigned homework, reviewing material on a continuous basis, and asking for help
when needed; do all of these, and you will probably do well in this class!

Mathematics 1302 – College Algebra

Student Learning Outcomes

1. The students will demonstrate factual knowledge including the mathematical notation and
terminology used in this course.
Students will read, interpret, and use the vocabulary, symbolism,
and basic definitions used in college algebra including the real numbers , exponents, radicals,
polynomials, factoring, functions, equations, inequalities, and graphs.

2. The students will describe the fundamental principles including the laws and theorems arising
from the concepts covered in this course.
Students will identify and apply the laws and formulas
that result directly from the definitions; for example, the quadratic formula , rules of exponents, and
properties of logarithms .

3. The students will apply course material along with techniques and procedures covered in this
course to solve problems.
Students will use the facts, formulas, and the techniques learned in this
course to simplify algebraic expressions, graph functions, and solve inequalities, equations and
systems of equations .

4. The students will develop specific skills, competencies, and thought processes sufficient to
support further study or work in this field or related fields.
Students will acquire a level of
proficiency in the fundamental concepts and applications necessary for further study in academic
areas requiring college algebra as a prerequisite, or for work in occupational fields requiring a
background in algebra. These fields might include education, business, finance, marketing, computer
science, physical sciences, and engineering, as well as mathematics.

Course Content

College Algebra, by Ratti and McWaters. Content consists of the following topics, listed
according to the corresponding chapters in the text. (See textbook “Contents.”) Individual instructors will
supplement this core material with additional topics.

P. Basic Concepts of Algebra: The Real Numbers and Their Properties; Integer Exponents and
Scientific Notation; Polynomials; Factoring Polynomials; Rational Expressions ; Rational Exponents
and Radicals.

1. Equations and Inequalities :
Linear Equations in One Variable; Applications of Linear Equations;
Complex Numbers ; Quadratic Equations; Solving Other Types of Equations; Linear Inequalities ;
Polynomial and Rational Inequalities; Equations and Inequalities Involving Absolute Value.

2. Graphs and Functions:
The Coordinate Plane; Graphs of Equations; Lines; Relations and

3. Polynomial and Rational Functions: Quadratic Functions.

4. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions: Exponential Functions; The Natural Exponential
Function; Logarithmic Functions; Properties of Logarithms.

5. Systems of Equations and Inequalities: Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables; Systems of Linear
Equations in Three Variables

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