Course Description:
Three hours of lecture each week. Study of systems in linear equations ,
matrices, determinant,
linear transformations , vector spaces, least squares , and eigenvectors and eigen
values. Spring 3
credit hours.
Prerequisite: Exemption from or successful completion of MATH 0099; and Minimum
grade of
‘C’ in MATH 2053 or MATH 2003 or exemption.
USG General Education Outcomes pertinent to this course:
Quantitative Reasoning and Mathematics: quantitative
reasoning and mathematics will be
characterized by logic, critical evaluation, analysis, synthesis generalization,
modeling, and
verbal, numeric, graphical, and symbolic problem solving.
Competence within the context of collegiate general
education objectives is defined by the
following outcomes:
o Ability to model situations from a variety of settings
in generalized mathematical forms;
o Ability to express and manipulate mathematical information, concepts, and
thoughts in
verbal, numeric, graphical and symbolic form while solving a variety of
o Ability to solve multiple -step problems through different (inductive,
deductive and
symbolic) modes of reasoning;
o Ability to properly use appropriate technology in the evaluation, analysis,
and synthesis
of information in problem-solving situations;
o Ability to shift among the verbal, numeric, graphical and symbolic modes of
o Ability to extract quantitative data from a given situation, translate the
data into
information in various modes, evaluate the information, abstract essential
make logical deductions , and arrive at reasonable conclusions;
o Ability to employ quantitative reasoning appropriately while applying
methodology to explore nature and the universe;
o Ability to discern the impact of quantitative reasoning and mathematics on the
society, and one's personal life.
ABAC Course Learning Outcomes:
Introduction to Linear Algebra Course Outcomes:
1 Know basic methods for solving systems of linear
2 Perform basic matrix operations
3 Calculate the determinant of a square matrix
4 Compute the inverse of a nonsingular matrix
5 Perform operations of vectors
6 Know the basic concepts of eigenvalues and eigenvectors
College Policy on Class Attendance:
Courses at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College are
provided for the intellectual growth
and development of students. To attain maximum success, students must attend all
their classes,
be on time, and attend all scheduled course activities including, but not
limited to, field trips,
seminars, study sessions, individual conferences, and lectures. This interaction
with instructors
and other students is an important element of the learning process, and a high
correlation exists
between class attendance and course grades. A student must understand the
importance of regular
participation in classroom and laboratory activities. The absence of any student
affects not only
his or her performance but the performance of the class as a whole. Absence from
class, for
whatever reason, does not excuse a student from full responsibility for class
work or assignments
missed. Students must accept this responsibility.
Instructors will keep accurate attendance records and must
report the individual number of
absences with midterm and final grades. Students whose number of unexcused
absences is more
than twice the number of class meetings per week (the equivalent of two weeks of
will receive a grade of “F” for the course. Fewer absences than twice the number
of class
meetings per week may result in grade penalties at the discretion of the
instructor. Specific
attendance requirements applying to labs, clinics, accelerated classes or
Learning Support will be
adapted to the unique situation by the appropriate division. Final determination
of what
constitutes an excused absence rests with the classroom instructor. In
implementing this Policy,
faculty will not include in a student’s unexcused absences those absences
incurred due to
authorized and approved College sponsored events (or in the case of
joint-enrollment students
high-school sponsored events) in which the student represents the institution as
part of a group or
under the direct supervision of a faculty or staff member.
Whenever a student is absent, whether for official or
personal reasons, the student must assume
responsibility and provide notice to the instructor, preferably in advance , for
arrangements for any assignments and class work missed because of the absence.
However, final
approval for make up work remains with the individual instructor.
A student who stops attending class without officially
withdrawing from the course is subject
to this attendance policy and will receive a grade of “F” for the course.
At the beginning of each semester, instructors will
explain clearly to their students. specific
attendance requirements (including possible penalties). Additionally , they will
publish the
attendance policy on their syllabi and web-sites.
A student penalized for excessive absences may appeal
through the grade appeal process, as
stated in ABAC’s college catalog and student handbook.
A student who serves as an official representative of the college is defined as one who:
is authorized to use the college name in public
relationships outside the institution;
regularly interacts with non-college individuals and groups over an extended
period of time
(at least one semester);
represents the college as a part of a group and not as an
represents the college under the direct supervision of a college faculty or
staff member; and
is authorized in writing, in advance, by the President of the college.
Such a student is in no way released from the obligations
and responsibilities of all students,
but will not be penalized with unexcused absences when absences result from
regularly scheduled
activities in which he/she represents the college.
Further, it is the responsibility of each student to
contact instructors prior to the absence and
to make arrangements to make up any work that will be missed, in a manner
acceptable to the
instructor. Advisors of activities will schedule off-campus activities in a
manner that does not
unduly disrupt the learning process for a student.
College Policy on Academic Dishonesty:
Because Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College has the dual
responsibility of educating
students and helping them mature into worthy citizens who take their place in
the larger
community, it has adopted a code for dealing with academic irregularities.
Academic irregularities include, but are not limited to,
giving or receiving of unauthorized
assistance in the preparation of any academic or clinical assignment; taking or
attempting to take,
stealing, or otherwise obtaining in an unauthorized manner any material
pertaining to the
education process; selling, giving, lending, or otherwise furnishing to any
person any question
and/or answers to any examination known to be scheduled at any subsequent date;
forging, or falsifying lab or clinical results; plagiarism in any form related
to themes, essays, term
papers, tests, and other assignments; breaching any confidentiality regarding
patient information.
Due Process for Academic Dishonesty Cases
Step 1. When a faculty member suspects that a student has
engaged in academic dishonesty, the
faculty member will call the student into a private meeting in the faculty
member’s office.
(The division chair will be notified of and will approve any action.)
Step 2. The faculty member will confront the student with
the evidence of dishonesty and/or
academic irregularity. The faculty member and the student will discuss the
specifics of
what occurred. If the student confesses and accepts responsibility for academic
dishonesty, then the faculty member will ask the student to sign in his/her own
handwriting, a statement which makes clear that the student admits
responsibility for the
academic dishonesty. The faculty member will then consult with the division
chair. The
faculty member is then free to reprimand the student, to give a failing grade
for the
assignment, or to require the student to resubmit the assignment in question.
approval of the division chair, the faculty member can increase the penalty up
to and
including a “WF” for the course if the incident(s) merit this severe penalty.
Step 3. If the student refuses to sign a statement
accepting responsibility for the act(s) of
academic dishonesty, then a full hearing on the matter must be held. The faculty
and chair will document this incident and schedule a meeting with the student.
information will be turned over to the Academic Dean, who will make the
of charges against the student and notify him/her in writing. The charges will
be mailed by
the Academic Dean to the student along with a notice to appear at a hearing,
and, if the
student wishes, to bring witnesses. At least three days’ notice is necessary
unless the
student waives the notice in writing.
Step 4. If the student requests a hearing, the Academic
Dean has the option of hearing the case for
administrative adjudication, convening a special hearing panel including faculty
students, or of referring it to the Student Life Hearing panel which handles all
disciplinary matters on campus. The committee will provide its recommendation to
Academic Dean. The Student Life Hearing Panel, when hearing cases of academic
dishonesty, will include two faculty members, two students (one of whom will be
SGA president and the other an associate justice,) and the Director of Student
Life, who
oversees campus discipline and the Code of Conduct. The Chief Justice of the SGA
the panel. The Vice President for Student Affairs will serve as advisor to the
panel for all
academic dishonesty cases. In general, the decision of the Academic Dean or
designee will not be appealed to the Student Life Hearing Panel. An appeal of
the Dean’s
decision will go directly to the President who may choose to use the Student
Life Hearing
Panel to make a recommendation to him.
Step 5. The student has a right to appeal the decision of
the hearing officer or hearing panel
within ten calendar days of the decision. The appeal will be to the President or
designee. The President’s decision is final. The President reserves the right to
review all
disciplinary cases and the judgments made during the process.
If there is a student in this class who has specific needs
because of learning disabilities or any
other disability, please feel free to contact the instructor.
This is a partial syllabus. More detailed information
relating to the class and Instructor will be
made available to each student.
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