Answers in red.
A. State whether each of the following statements is true or false.

1. Zero is not an integer . false

2. The number 0 is a rational number . true

3. 1.625 is a rational number. true

4. - | - e | = e. false

5. The distance between the points -4 and -7 on the number line is 11. false

B. Place the proper symbol ( >, < , = ) between the two given numbers to make a true statement.

6. | 5 | ___<___ | -7 |

7. - | -8 | __>____ - (10)

8. | 3 - e | __>____ ( e – 3 ) hint: e ≈ 2.78

C. Evaluate each of the following.

9. – 6 - | - 3.1 | - | - 4.3 | - 5.6 – (-7) -12





D. Name the property exemplified by each of the following. You must state if it applies to addition (+)
or multiplication (X), unless it is the distributive property .

14. –zy + zy = 0 Inverse property of addition

15. a ( x + y + z ) = ax + ay + az Distributive Property

16. 2abc + (- 2abc ) = 0 Inverse property of addition

17. Inverse property of multiplication

18. 0 + ( m + n ) = m + n Identity property of addition

E. Evaluate each of the following.



21. 7 + 4 [9 – 6 (10 – 13)2 – 15] ÷ 12  -13

22. 6 – 9 [1 – 3 (5 – 8)2 – (4 – 63 + 3)] ÷ 27 - 1 -56


24.-3 [3x + 2 (4 – x) – (5x + 4) – 8] 12x + 12

25. 25 – 5 [6a – 4 (5 – 3a) + 10 – 3 (4 + a) + 12] -75a + 75

F. Evaluate each of the following formulas .

26. F = C + 32, when C = 20. 68

27. A=, when P = 22,000, r = 0.06, n = 6, and t = 1. $23353.44

28. Sn = [2a1 + (n – 1) d], when a1 = 2, d = 3, and n = 8. 25

29. + , when r = 15, R = 25, and V = 48. 1440

G. Translate each of the following into mathematical expressions .

30. The sum of two numbers is 72. If one number is x, what the other number? 72 - x

31. The difference of a number and its reciprocal is equal to two-thirds of the number. x – 1/x = 2/3 x

32. Twice a number increased by ten, and the sum divided by seven .

33.The product of two numbers , if one number is three less than twice the other number. x(2x – 3)

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