Math Test

3.1) The total, t, divided into 5 groups is 45. (Set it up, do not solve.)

3.2) (−6v 2 +12v) − (3v2 −2v + 6) =

3.3) 6p=10 ( solve for p )

3.4) -7k-12=30 ( solve for k )

3.5) ( solve for v and graph on a number line )

3.6) x+6<14 ( solve and graph on a number line )

3.7) -4c+6<8 ( solve for c )

3.8) 3t-13<5t (solve for t)

3.9) 5(8a+7)=


3.11)Is closer to 8 or 9?

3.12) 2b2 (7b2 + 4b + 4) =

3.13) 3(−2h − 5)2

3.14) (solve for g)

3.15) (solve for w)

3.16) If 3 pounds of jelly beans cost $6.30, how much would 2
pounds cost?

3.17) An electronics store sells DVD’s for $25 each. Graph a data
line showing total cost versus number of DVD’s purchased.

3.18) A 200 pound bin of animal feed sells for $1.25 per pound.
How many pounds of feed costing $2.50 per pound should be mixed with
it to make a mixture which costs $2.00 per pound?

3.19) Diedra can paint a wall mural every three months. Lucy can
paint a wall mural every five months. How long would it take them to
paint one wall mural if they worked together?

3.20) Determine whether (3, 7) lies on the line x -5y= -32.

3.21) Find the slope of the points (3,2)(-1,8).

3.22) Graph a line starting at (5,-2) with a slope of 1/4.

3.23) Find a line perpendicular to y=3x+2.

3.24) Write an equation for a line through the following points:

seconds miles per hour
2 51
5 18

3.25) Find the intersection of x-y= -1 and x+y=9.

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