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Departmental Course Syllabus


Department:Mathematics/Computer Science RevisionDate: 01/05/06


San Antonio College * 1300 San Pedro* San Antonio, TX*78212-4299


CourseNumber and Title: Math 0302 - Elementary Algebra


CreditHours: 3




Office:MCCH126B PhoneNumber: (210) 733-2459


Officehours: MWF T TR

08:00 09:00 08:00 09:25

09:50 10:00 10:40 10:50

10:50 12:00 12:05 12:15

12:50 01:00


Email: WebAddress:


I. Catalog Description: Content includes factoringtechniques, radical expressions and equations, rational exponents, complexnumbers, solving quadratic equations by various methods, quadratic and rationalinequalities, rational expressions and equations, and related applications.


II. Pre-requisites, co-requisites andother requirements: Math 0301 with a grade of C orbetter, or equivalent. Course placementadvisement is available-contact Mathematics/Computer Science Office located at MCCH 221.


III. Text: Elementary and IntermediateAlgebra for College Students, 2nd Edition, ,Prentice Hall


IV. Instruction will consist of:

___ lecture ___ classroom discussions

___ homework assignments ___ collaborative (team) assignments

___ group problem solving


V. Course Content: Upon successful completionof this course the student will have demonstrated an understanding of thematerial contained in the following list of topics:


Chapter 5 Factoring


5.1 Factoring a Monomial from aPolynomial

5.2 Factoring by Grouping

5.3 Factoring Trinomials of the form ax2+bx+c, a = 1

5.4 Factoring Trinomials of the form ax2+bx+c, a ≠ 1

5.5 Special Factoring formulas & a General Review ofFactoring

5.6 Solving Quadratic Equations using Factoring

5.7 Applications ofQuadratic Equations



Chapter 6 Rational Expressions andEquations


6.1 Simplifying Rational Expressions

6.2 Multiplication & Division ofRational Expressions

6.3 Addition and Subtraction of Rational Expressions with aCommon Denominator. Finding the LCD

6.4     Addition and Subtraction of Rational Expressions

6.5     Complex Fractions

6.6     Solving Rational Equations

6.7                Rational Equations: Applications & Problem Solving



Chapter 7 Roots, Radicals, and ComplexNumbers


7.1                Roots and Radicals

7.2                Rational Exponents

7.3                Simplifying Radicals

7.4                Adding, Subtracting, and Multiplying Radicals

7.5                Dividing Radicals

7.6                Solving Radical Equations

7.7                Complex Numbers



Chapter 8 Quadratic Equations andInequalities


8.1                Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square

8.2                Solving Quadratic Equations by the Quadratic Formula

8.3                Quadratic Equations: Applications & Problem Solving

8.4                Factoring Expressions & Solving Equations that are Quadratic inForm

8.5                Quadratic and Other Inequalities in One Variable



Additional Topics may be included atthe instructors discretion.



VI. Learning Outcomes and PerformanceObjectives with their methods of measurement as used to determine the studentsmastery of those outcomes.




A student who passes this course will be able to demonstrate criticalthinking with respect to quadratic, rational, and radical expressions andequations. The student will demonstratethe ability to factor selected polynomials, simplify rational and radicalexpressions, and perform complex number arithmetic. Further, the student will be able to solveselected radical equations, quadratic equations and inequalities and rationalequations and inequalities.




Thestudent will identify prime factors and common factors, determine the greatestcommon factor of two or more terms, and factor the greatest common factor fromthe terms of a polynomial.


Thestudent will factor polynomials containing four terms by grouping and usingcommon factors, and will factor selected trinomials with integer coefficientsof the form by trial and error orby grouping. The student will also beable to factor the difference of two squares, the sum and difference of twocubes, and selected polynomial expressions that require a combination of thepreceding strategies.


The student willsolve selected quadratic equations by using factoring techniques and the zeroproduct rule.


Thestudent will simplify a rational expression formed from the addition,subtraction, multiplication or division of rational expressions.


Thestudent will solve selected rational equations, checking the solution set forrestrictions, and use these rational equations to model selected applications.


Thestudent will convert a radical expression to exponential form and vice versa.


Thestudent will simplify a radical expression formed from the addition,subtraction, multiplication or division of radical expressions, includingrationalizing a denominator.


Thestudent will solve selected radical equations, checking the solution set forrestrictions, and use radicals to model selectedapplications.


Thestudent will identify the real and imaginary components of complex numbers andsimplify the sum, difference, product, or quotient of complex numbers.


Thestudent will be able to solve any quadratic equation or inequality by using thequadratic formula and/or completing the square method, including quadraticsthat are prime over the integers. The studentwill also be able to solve selected equations in quadratic form.



Performance will be measuredusing a written comprehensive final exam. Additional measures may include butare not limited to exams, quizzes, homework, class participation, collaborativelearning.

VII. Course requirements and gradecomputation.

A. CollegeRequirements:

A written, comprehensivefinal examination, not to exceed two and one-half hours in length, shall begiven at the end of each semester for each course at the regularly scheduledtime. Any exceptions to these requirements must be approved by the appropriatedean. Other examinations are given at the discretion of the instructor.

A student who must be absent from a final examination should petition thatinstructor for permission to postpone the examination. A student absentwithout permission from a final examination is graded F. Postponedexaminations result in a grade of I. The final exam must be taken within 120calendar days from the end of the semester or the grade automatically becomesan F. (San Antonio College Bulletin, Faculty Handbook - January 1995)

B. Departmental Requirement:

Avalid student I.D. and current semester registration in a departmental courseis

required to use departmental learning resources (computers, tutoring,videos, testing).

Schedules and additional rules for use are posted periodically.


C. InstructorRequirements:

Grades will be determinedfrom the scores on the four in-class exams and the comprehensive final. Theexact dates of the exams will be announced in the class. There is no make-upfor missed tests. However, the final exam score used to replace the missing orlowest grade. The weights of the exams for the final grade are as follows:

Other Exams 70%
Final Exam 30%

your score grade will be determined from the course average as follows:
90 100 A 80 89 B 70 79 C 60 69 D Blow60 F



VIII. College Policies:

A. San Antonio Collegedoes not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin,sex, age, or disability with respect to access, employment programs orservices.


B. Students are urged not to bringchildren to either a class or a lab. Minors under the age of twelve (12) mustnot be left unattended on campus. College Academic Council - April, 1998


C. ADA Statement: As per Section 504 ofthe Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with DisabilitiesAct of 1990, if accommodation is needed contact the Office of DisabilitySupport Services, CAC 124C, Phone: (210) 733-2347.


D. A Rapid Response Team exists for thepurpose of responding to emergencies. If you have a disability that willrequire assistance in the event of a building evacuation, notify DisabilitySupport Services, Chance Academic Center124C, Phone: (210) 733-2347.


E. Academic Dishonesty: Students may be subject todisciplinary proceedings resulting

in an academic penalty ordisciplinary penalty for academic dishonesty. Academic Dishonesty includes, butis not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism and collusion. For additionalinformation refer to the Student Code of Conduct in the San Antonio CollegeBulletin.


F. Students are required to silence allelectronic devices (e.g., pagers, cellular phones, etc.) when in classrooms,laboratories and the library. College Academic Council, 01/ 2000.


G. SanAntonio College Attendance Policy: Regular and punctual attendance at allclasses and laboratories, day and/or evening, is required. A student absent forany reason is responsible for all work missed. Both tardiness and earlydeparture from class are forms of absenteeism. Two forms of tardiness, earlydeparture, or napping during the class time are equal to one day ofabsence. Absences of each student arerecorded without exception. The counting of absences begins on the first day ofclass. A student absent the equivalent of two weeks of instruction in a 16-weeksemester may be dropped by the instructor. If a student is dropped from a classfor excessive absences, the instructor will record a grade of W (withdraw). Itis the students responsibility to ensure that the withdrawals have beensubmitted.


H. San Antonio College is a smoke free campus.


I. ACCDDPS Emergency Phone Numbers:

ACCD DPS EmergencyPhone (210) 222-0911

ACCD DPS General Phone (210) 208-8099

ACCD DPS Weather Phone (210) 208-8189 (Forinformation on college closures)


J.                   Students mustalso abide by the policies, procedures, and rules set forth in the StudentCode of Conduct and all other policies set forth in the San Antonio CollegeBulletin.