Thank you for visiting our site! You landed on this page because you entered a search term similar to this: square numbers and square roots activities and games.We have an extensive database of resources on square numbers and square roots activities and games. Below is one of them. If you need further help, please take a look at our software "Algebrator", a software program that can solve any algebra problem you enter!
Grade6 Math Web Sites
WhatDoes the Data Say?
The Maths File Game Show: TrainRace
Lessons 1-2 Review of mean, median andrange
The Maths File Game Show: Data Picking
Lesson 3 Frequency graphs
PBS Teachers' Line: MathInteractives
Lesson 2 Click on histograms
Activity addresses mean and median
Lesson 3 Convert line plots [frequencygraphs] into bar graphs
Lesson 4 Determining intervals and investigatinghow changing interval size affects data display
Lessons 7-9 Line graphs. Can be used as extensionfor progress over time
Statistics and Probability Concepts
Lessons 1-9 Click on Statistics and ProbabilityConcepts
There are a multitude of practice activities forvarious graphs including bar graphs, stem and leaf and box plots andalso uses measures of central tendency.
Statistics and Probability Concepts
Lesson 3 Choose Normal Distribution and SkewDistribution. Activities are for enrichment; students who want achallenge can use standard deviation along withdistribution.
Languageof Numbers
AAA Math Sixth Grade
Pre-requisite Many games and activities on base 10involving rounding, estimating and identifying place value
The Maths File Game Show: RoundingOff
Prerequisite Three levels of difficulty involvingrounding of whole numbers and decimals.
AAA Math Sixth Grade
Phases 1-2 Practice with scientificnotation
Topics in Pre-Algebra
Lesson 9 Use of exponents with order ofoperations
A Creative Encounter of the NumericalKind
End of Unit -This is a fairly complicated webquest in which students create a number system and teach it to theclass using visuals they create. It requires student research usingwebsites. It includes work with an abacus and a review of Base 10 andBase 2.
FromZero to One and Beyond
The Product Game
Pre-Assessment - Product Game allows students tochoose products of two numbers while playing a tic tac toe game.There are several variations of game including one focusing ongreatest common factor using Venn diagrams. It also providesextension activities
AAA Math Sixth Grade
Lesson 1-2 Divisibility activities
PBS Teachers' Line: MathInteractives
Lessons 2-3 Click on Mixing OrangeJuice.
Activity uses proportional reasoning involvingpitchers of orange juice to teach ratio, fractions with circle graphsand percents and the interrelationship of all three.
Math Activities
Go to Number and Operations Concepts.
Click on Fraction Finder
Read directions carefully. Allows student topicture fractions on circle or square templates and then to orderseveral fractions.
Click on Equivalent Fraction Finder
Students create equivalent fractions on a circleor square template. There are a number of good activities on thisNumber and Operations Concepts page including operations withfractions with varying levels of difficulty
Math Activities
Select Factorize.
Activity allows students to select a number 1-50and determine the factors. They also display factors on agrid.
The Maths File Game Show: SaloonSnap
Lessons 8-9 Converting among fractions, decimals,and percents
The Maths File Game Show: BuilderTed
Lessons 8-9 Ordering positive and negativedecimals. Could be used as an extension
The Maths File Game Show: GridGame
Lesson 11 Square numbers, factors, multiples,primes.
This site could also be used with NumberPowerhouse.
Top ofpage
Laura Chandler Math Activities
Lesson 2 These are downloadable activities and aquiz on order of operations.
Lesson 2 Explanation and five interactive examplesof order of operations both with and without exponents
PBS Teachers' Line: Math Interactives
Lessons 3-4 Click on Number Cruncher. Activity isa simple input/output game that can be used with positive andnegative numbers.
Lessons 3-4 Explanation and interactive exampleson introduction of signed numbers, comparing and ordering integers,absolute value, four operations with signed numbers
AAA Math Sixth Grade
Lesson 3 Various activities and games manipulatingpositive and negative integers
AAA Math Sixth Grade
Lessons 5-8 Activities on basic operations withfractions with like and unlike denominators
Laura Chandler Math Activities
Lesson 9-10 These are all downloadable activitiesthat are good for practice; may be appropriate for lower levelstudents.
Click on Buzzing for Products for an activity onmultiplying decimals
There are many other activities on decimals and a weekly math challenge.
AAA Math Sixth Grade
Lessons 9-10 Identifying decimals, place value ofdecimals and operations with decimals
AAA Math Sixth Grade
Lesson 12 Activities converting decimals tofraction and percents; percents to fractions and decimals; fractionsto decimals and percents.
Patternsin Number and Space
PBS Teachers' Line: Math Interactives
Phase 1 Click on Real Life Data
Practice with making tables and determining simplerules.
Phase 2 Click on Frog in the Well. Can be used asan extension.
Click on Make a Rule. This addresses advanced rule as taught in Lessons 2,3,4,5 and 9
The Maths File Game Show: LateDelivery
Phase 1 Writing simple equations
The Maths File Game Show: EquationMatch
Phase 2 Writing complex equations
Topics in Pre-Algebra
Lessons 2-6 Explanation of writing algebraicexpressions
The Maths File Game Show: PlanetHop
Phase 3 Coordinate graphing
Figure This! Math Index
Phases 1-3 Under Algebra there are severalactivities that coordinate well with this unit.
Exploring the Isometric Drawing Tool
Phase 1 Good activity which allows students todraw using isometric paper. May be helpful for those with fine motoror visual motor integration difficulties as it provides another wayto build and draw using cubes.
Figure This! Math Index
Under geometry, there are several activities that focus on 2 and 3 dimensional shapes.
The Maths File Game Show: BathroomTiles
Rotation and reflection. Topic is fairlydifficult.
Matho: Geometry Version
Phase 2 Interactive geometry vocabularygame.
AAA Math Sixth Grade
Phase 2 Exploration with sides and angles oftriangles and quadrilaterals
Lesson 5 Perimeter of polygons-explanation and 5examples:
Exploring Geometric Solids and TheirProperties
Phase 3 Allows students to manipulate polyhedra inspace. Also provides experience with Euler's Formula and creates atable of properties. Could be used as an assessment at end ofphase.
Lessons 1-3 Interactive activities on probabilitywith explanation beforehand.
Fish Tank
Lessons 1-3 Games with varying levels ofdifficulty, Colorful and interactive
Statistics and Probability Concepts
Lessons 4-6 Click on Statistics and ProbabilityConcepts
There are several activities using spinners andadjustable spinners which include theoretical and experimentalprobability.
The Maths File Game Show: Data Picking
Lesson 4-6 Circle graphs
Tree Measurement
Phase 1 This is a good extension activity whichrequires students to go outside and measure a tree.
Measurement Resources
Phase 2 Measurement topics include an extensivemenu of downloadable lesson plans. Check both elementary and middleschool activities as there are overlapping concepts.
Animal Weigh-In
Phase 2 Conversion of metric to UScustomary
Measurement - Length
Phases 1-3 Activities and games on followingmeasurement topics:
metric-US customary conversion, temperature, mass,volume and length
Reference Materials
Phases 1-3 There is a list of reference materialswhich provides historical background information and conversiondata.
Phase 3 Scroll down to Geometry. There is anactivity on scale drawings.
These web sites contain good general ideas thatcould be used throughout the school year.
Laura Candler Teaching Resources
Scroll down to click on Weekly MathChallenges.
Math Challenge
There are many challenges that could be done asextensions by an individual or small group. Areas include Algebra,Geometry, Measurement, Number and Statistics andProbability.
SCORE Mathematics Lessons
This site includes a number of topics that couldbe extensions for students to work on independently.
Hot Subjects
There are tutorials on subjects such as exponentsand square roots. They are not interactive, however.
Math Games
There are several games that are generic and wouldbe good for students who have finished work early. They could workwith a partner.
(Non-Java) Flashcards
Uses only non-Java flashcards. Topics includeorder of operations, operations with fractions, pre-algebra, andpositive and negative integers
Lesson Library
There are selected lessons available with anoption to purchase the CD with more practice. Worth taking a lookat.
Fun and Games
A good teacher site which includes lots ofactivities on many topics.
This list was compiled by Brookline sixth-gradeteachers, Joan Miceli and Pamela Charpentier.
This material does not necessarily reflect the views or policiesof the Massachusetts or the federalgovernment.
©2004 Brookline Public Schools