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Spring 2006

Text: College Algebra Enhanced with Graphing Utilities, 4th  Edition,     The web site address is www.prenhall.com/sullivan 

Rational:  This course introduces the student to the concept of functions and their graphs.  Students will graph linear, quadratic, rational, exponential, logarithmic, radical, power, and absolute value functions and transformations; perform operations on and compositions of functions; find the inverse of a function; apply the laws of logarithms to simplify expressions and solve equations; graph non-linear inequalities; solve related applications and modeling problems.  (3 credits)  

Prerequisite:  MAT1033 or its equivalent at another institution or appropriate placement test score.  Knowledge of basic algebraic skills is absolutely necessary for success in this class

Subsequent course: MAC1140, MAC1147 (suggestion: for A or B students)

Graphing calculator:  Graphing calculator, preferably TI-83 plus or silver edition

Homework:  Homework for each unit is your responsibility. 

Grading:  You will have four (4) exams and a cumulative final exam.  There are NO make-ups. 

Average of 90-100%                A
Average of 80-89%                  B                    
Average of 70-79%                  C        
Average of 60-69%                  D        
Average below 60%                 F                                 


Exam 1                                      20%
Exam 2                                      20%
Exam 3                                      20%
Quizzes                                     20%
Final Exam  (cumulative)         20%
Service Learning                        5% (Extra Credit)

Incomplete:       The grade of I is generally not given.  To receive a grade of I, you must have an average of C or better, and at least an 80% class participation and miss the final for a very good and verifiable reason.

Assistance:       You can obtain assistance for mathematics classes in the Mathematics Laboratory, room 2223.  There, you will find course-related videotapes, videotapes on using the graphing calculator, and tutors that can help you to successfully complete this course.  The Math Lab is open these hours:  

MTWR (to be announced) 

You do not need an appointment. The telephone number for the lab is 305-237-3834.  If you have a problem with the Math Lab, please contact Jose De Paz at 305-237-3971.

Classroom and Laboratory Etiquette:  Please refrain from bringing food or drinks into any classroom, lab, or into the courtyard.  Please turn off any cellular phones and set pagers to "vibrate."  You are expected to arrive on time to class, depart when the class has concluded, and treat others respectfully.  You are encouraged to ask questions.  The tutors in the lab must help all the students and take turns; they cannot work with one student for a prolonged period of time.  We are unable to offer one-to-one continuous tutoring.

Problems with Instructor:          If you are having a problem with your mathematics instructor, please see that instructor during office hours.  Before or after class is generally not a good time to discuss a problem with an instructor who is either about to start class or on the way to the next class.  If after speaking with your instructor during office hours you cannot resolve the problem, then you need to visit the chairperson, Norma Agras (office 1540) as the next step. 

Withdrawal:  If you feel that you will be unable to complete the requirements for passing a class, it is important that you drop the class by the college's "drop date" as established by the registrar's office.  You should speak to your instructor prior to making the decision to drop.  Remember that it is your responsibility to drop a class, not the instructor's.  If circumstances such as illness, accident, change in employment situation, etc., prevent you from continuing to attend your class BEFORE the drop date, speak to your instructor and see the Dean of Students (room 1201) for your options.  If such a situation occurs AFTER the drop date, you should contact the instructor for information as to how you can complete the requirements for passing the course.

Registration:      It is your responsibility to make sure that you are registered for this course.  Be sure to obtain a copy of your schedule to verify the reference number and that you do not have any outstanding fees.  If your name does not appear on the third class roll by the first day of the mini-term as being registered and having paid for the class, you will not receive a grade for this course, and you will have to retake it next term, regardless of whether you continue to sit in on the class.

Department Activities for Students:  If you are interested in mathematics competitions, or in joining the SMET Club (Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology), please speak with one of our faculty who will direct you to the sponsor.  


Classes begin  (Miami Beach classes begin one week later)


First day of mini-term classes

Last day that the department chairperson will sign override cards for students who have been dropped



Last day for drop with W  (regular 16 week classes only)


Classes end


Final Exam Week  (Students MUST take final exam during this week)




For a listing of religious holidays, visit   Students should make their written request known at the beginning of the semester.



Competency1:           The Student will demonstrate knowledge of complex numbers by:

a.Writing the square root of a negative number in terms of i

b.Simplifying powers of i

c.Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing complex numbers.

Competency2:            The Student will demonstrate knowledge of functions, from a numerical,graphical, verbal and analytic perspective by:

a.Finding the domain and range

b.Distinguishing a function from a relation

c.Using functional notation

d.Performing operations with functions: adding, subtracting,

   multiplying, dividing andforming compositions

e.Finding the inverse of a function

Competency3:            The Student will demonstrate knowledge of quadratic equations andfunctions by:

a.Solving quadratic equations by the square root method

b.Solving quadratic equations by completing the square

c.Solving quadratic equations by using the quadratic formula

d.Using quadratic equations and their solutions to answer

   modeling questions

e.Using the discriminant to identify the types of solutions for

   quadratic equations

f.Graphing quadratic functions, and identifying the vertex, the

  y-intercept and the axis ofsymmetry of the graph

g.Finding the maximum or minimum value of a quadratic function

   in quadratic models

h.Solving quadratic inequalities and using a similar procedure in

    solving inequalitiesinvolving quotients

Competency4:            The Student will demonstrate knowledge of absolute value, square root andrational functions by:

a.  Finding the domain and the range of these functions

b.  Graphing these functions

c.  Graphing these functions with translations

Competency5:            The Student will demonstrate knowledge of solving systems of linearequations and inequalities by:

a.Problem solving and modeling using systems of equations

b.Solving linear systems of equations in three variables

c. Solving linear systems of equations using determinants

d.  Solving problems involving linear inequalities

Competency6:       Thestudent will demonstrate knowledge of exponential and logarithmic functions by: 

a.  Graphing exponential and logarithmic functions

b.  Identifying the domain and range of exponential and


c.  Applying properties of logarithms to expand and condense


d.  Solving exponential and logarithmic equations

e.  Applying modeling techniques to solve problems of exponential growth anddecay