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Thousands of users are using our software to conquer their algebra homework. Here are some of their experiences:

The program has been very helpful.
Chris Ress, OH

My grades have improved since I started using the Algebrator. Thanks!
Stephen J., NY

I recommend the Algebrator to students who need help with fractions, equations and algebra. The program is a great tool! Not only does it give you the answers but it also shows you how and why you come up with those answers. I've shown my students how to use the program during some of our lessons. A couple of them even bought the program to help them out with their algebra homework.
Alan Cox, TX

Thank you very much for your help!!!!! The program works just as was stated. This program is a priceless tool and I feel that every student should own a copy. The price is incredible. Again, I appreciate all of your help.
Sandy Ketchum, AL

This product is the greatest thing. I always went to my friends house to use hers until I could convince my parents to buy it for me. I hate to say it but I really needed help with algebra and now Ive got it!
Kevin Porter, TX

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