Problema Solution

how many days will it take to earn $160 if your pay is $6.50 per hour ( assume 8- hour work days)

Answer provided by our tutors

the number of hours that must be worked:

160/6.5 = 24.6

the number of days to work those hours:

24.6/8 = 3.07

it will therefore take 4 days before you have earned $160, since after working 3 days you will still need an addition "0.07" day of work to reach that amount

We will use 1hr/$6.50 and 1day/8hr as conversion factors:

$160=$160(1hr/$6.50)(1day/8hr)=3.08 days

Therefore, to get the full $160, one would need to work 4 days (or 3 days and a partial, if allowed).