Problema Solution

Rico can drive 3 times as fast as Luis can ride his bicycle. If it takes Luis 3 hours longer than Rico to travel 54 miles, how fast can Luis ride his bicycle?

Answer provided by our tutors


v = the speed of Luis, v>0

3v = the speed of Rico

d = 54 mi the distance traveled

t = the time of Rico

t + 3 = the time of Luis

since speed = distance/time we have:

v = d/(t + 3)

v = 54/(t + 3)

3v = 54/t

t = 54/3v

plug t = 54/3v into v = 54/(t + 3)

v = 54/(54/3v + 3)

by solving we find:

v = 1.65 mph

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Luis can ride his bicycle with 1.65 mph.