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Algebrator is easy to use and easy to understand and has made algebra the same for me. I am thankful that I got it.
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I bought Algebrator last year, and now its helping me with my 9th Grade Algebra class, I really like the step by step solving of equations, it's just GREAT !
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As the parent of an ADD child, Ive tried many different tutors and learning programs, and none have really worked. So, I must admit, I was skeptical about using yours. So soon after, when my sons math teacher called me to setup a meeting, I thought, Great, what now? But, to my delight, she wanted to know what my secret was because, as she put it, my son had done a complete 180 and was now one of her best students! So I told her what my secret was: your software!
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The way this tool works, the step-by-step approach it provides to complicated equations it makes learning enjoyable. Great work!
Pamela Nelson, MT
My son was in a major car wreak and was homebound for several months. I feared that he would fall behind in his classes. His math teacher recommended Algebrator, which literally took him through each problem step by step. Once my son was able to return to school, he had a better understanding of math then before he left. I would recommend this software to anyone!
Carmen Phillips, WA
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