Syllabus for Fractions,Decimals and Percents

Syllabus for Fractions, Decimals and Percents

Required Materials

• Workbook: Number Power 2…Fractions, Decimals and Percents (available
in the Delano Campus Bookstore)
• Three hole binder and binder paper (8 1/2 by 11 inches)
• Pencils
• A calculator will be used later in the semester, but the instructor will have some
available for you to use during class time.

Course Description

• Designed for students whose math placement tests indicate they are not ready
for Math 50.
• Emphasizes review of the operation of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and
• Daily in-class activities include workbook usage, discussion, small group
discussion, and individual work. All these are required and expected.

Course Details

Homework and tests: All homework assignments are to be completed. Note:
Homework assignments are an important part of the class and completion of those will
help determine your final grade. Tests and quizzes may be made up if you are absent.
However, it is your responsibility to arrange the time to take those tests.

Attendance Policy: Absence from four classes is allowed but it’s important to be in
class each day. After four missed classes a student may be dropped from the class by
the instructor. You are responsible for all information and work missed during any
absence. Some assignments might be eligible for make up. You penalize yourself by
missing important information. Be in class on time! Tardy class minutes can add up to
absences. This is a fast-paced class. Missing class may affect your grade.

Grading Policy: Tests – 70% of your total grade. Homework – 20% of your total
grade. Pop quizzes and in-class participation – 10% of your total grade. (Late
homework will be accepted; however, it will be worth only half of the original points.
Additionally, it may not be more than 1 class period late.) Test point value is
by the number of problems on each test. Grading scale will be 90% -- A;
80% -- B; 70% -- C; 60% -- D; below 60% -- F

Academic Behavior: Most classrooms, especially computer classrooms, have a no
eating and drinking policy, however we may sometimes allow minimal food in this
classroom as long as things are kept neat and tidy. Please turn any cell-phones to
vibrate and if you must take a call, excuse yourself quietly from the room and finish
your call quickly so you don’t miss something in class. The instructor reserves the
right to remove , or ask security to remove, anyone who creates a distraction in class.
There should also be a minimum of talking with your neighbor unless we are doing a
group assignment . If you didn’t hear something the instructor said or don’t
understand something, please raise your hand to ask for clarification because in some
cases your classmate may not have the correct information.

Students with Disabilities: Students with disabilities who believe they may need
accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact Disabled Student Programs &
Services (661- 725-8020 ), Delano Campus (ROOM??) , as soon as possible to
better ensure such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. For
example, if extra time is needed on tests, you must arrange that before the second
class meeting and then show the instructor what accommodation you have been
granted. The instructor does not need to know what the disability is, only what the
accommodation is.

Drop (Withdrawal)/Add Deadlines: Students are responsible for completing these
processes. Pay close attention to these dates. YOU must complete college admissions
and records processes. Merely not coming to class is not the same as officially
dropping a class. The instructor “may” drop you but otherwise you will get a failing
grade. YOU must do the paperwork (or online work) to make it official.

Extra Credit in the Plato Computer Lab: For each 1/2 hour in the Plato Lab
working on ACDV B78 curriculum you will receive one extra credit point for that week.
You can earn up to two extra credit points per week (1 hour using the lab). There are
no official Plato Lab hours in Delano, but hopefully we will be able to schedule some in
DST 119 (your classroom). These times will be announced later in the semester. You
can also use the Plato Lab (Student Success Lab) at the main BC campus.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO):

1. The student will demonstrate proficiency in simple addition , subtraction,
multiplication, and division of whole numbers.

2. The student will be able to add and subtract proper fractions, improper fractions
and mixed numbers.

3. The student will be able to multiply and divide proper fractions, improper
fractions and mixed numbers.

4. The student will be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals (decimal

5. The student will be able to find a simple percent of a number…i.e. 10%, 25%,
50% of a number.

6. When comparing fractions , the student will be able to determine both greater
than (>) and less than (<) values.

7. The student will be able to reduce fractions to their lowest terms as well as
raise fractions to identify common denominators .

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