Applied Mathematics

Official Course Description: This course includes the concepts of ratio and proportion, units
and conversions, linear equations in two variables , inequalities, graphing and writing equation of
a line, percents, interest, descriptive statistics, and logical symbolism. Emphasis is on
applications in the various technologies.

Course Prerequisites: MT 065 (MAH 070) or equivalent as determined by KCTCS placement examination

Required Text and Supplies:
A Survey of Mathematics with Applications, 7th edition, Angel and Porter, Addison Wesley Longman Company. A scientific calculator is needed.

Approved Course Competencies:
Upon completion of this course, the student can:

1. Write the equation of a given line and graph linear equations in two variables .
2. Solve systems of linear equations in two variables.
3. Set up and solve ratios and proportions .
4. Use and interpret scientific notations.
5. Convert between various units of measure.
6. Solve problems involving percents.
7. Solve problems involving significant digits , and accuracy and precision of measurements.
8. Solve problems involving simple and compound interest.
9. Calculate and interpret basic descriptive statistical measures such as mean, median, mode, range, variance, and standard deviation and use the normal distribution.
10. Use logic to determine the validity of arguments.
11. Solve application problems involving the above competencies.



Competencies will be met at the level appropriate to the credential.

A general education core curriculum will enable KCTCS colleges to graduate men and women who are
intellectually flexible, articulate, reflective, creative, and prepared for continuous learning. For all students, this
implies some understanding of the value of higher education and the world of work and career fields related to their
own abilities, interests, and needs. The general education core competencies will enable students to develop their
own values, pursue goals, and contribute to the political, moral, social, and cultural enrichment of society.

General Education Competencies:
I. Communicate Effectively
 1. Read and listen with comprehension.
 2. Speak and write clearly using standard English.
 3. Interact cooperatively with others using both verbal and non-verbal means.

Students in MT 110 will fulfill this competency by having to respond to certain quiz or test problems after
reading material from the textbook, explaining mathematical procedures after the material has been
presented orally, and classroom discussions on mathematical topics.

II. Think Critically
 1. Make connections in learning across the disciplines and draw logical conclusions.
 2. Demonstrate problem solving through interpreting, analyzing, summarizing , and/or integrating a variety of materials.
 3. Use mathematics to organize, analyze, and synthesize data to solve a problem.

Students in MT 110 will fulfill this competency by solving real-life problems through class discussions,
homework assignments, quizzes and examinations. Students will be assigned homework problems and
given test problems of a varied nature from the various fields of practical application. Students will fulfill
this competency by being subjected to a style of instruction which requires and expects response from the
students in order to continue the line of study or expand to the next level of thinking.

III. Learn Independently
 1. Make choices based upon awareness of ethics and differing perspectives/ideas.
 2. Think creatively to develop new ideas, processes, or products .

Students in MT 110 will fulfill this competency by completing the course which includes a number of
performances based on real life-applications at which time the student will be able to proceed to the next
level of mathematics endeavor. Students will also fulfill this competency by being expected to discover
some details on their own through a process of logical progression and development.

IV. Examine Relationships in Diverse and Complex Environments
 1. Recognize the relationship of the individual to human heritage and culture.
 2. Demonstrate an awareness of the relationship of the individual to the biological and physical environment.
 3. Develop an awareness of self as an individual member of a multicultural global community.

Class Objectives: This course is designed to provide the student with the basic mathematical
background needed in developing his/her technical skills and using these skills in practical

Course Outline:

I. Number Theory and the Real Number System
 A. Prime Numbers and Divisibility
 B. Least Common Multiple and Greatest Common Divisor
 C. Rules of Exponents
 D. Scientific Notation
 E. Operations with Square Roots
 F. Applications

II. Measurements and Units
 A. Significant Digits
 B. Precision and Accuracy
 C. Metric Units of Measurement
 D. Conversions to and from U.S. Customary (“Standard”) System of Measurement
 E. Applications

III. Algebra and Graphs
 A. Solving Linear Equations in One Variable
 B. Solving Proportions
 C. Graphing Lines
 D. Writing the Equation of a Given Line
 E. Applications

IV. Inequalities and Systems of Linear Equations
 A. Solving Systems of Linear Equations
 B. Solving Inequalities
 C. Applications

V. Consumer Mathematics
 A. Percents
 B. Simple and Compound Interest
 C. Applications

VI. Statistics
 A. Sampling Techniques
 B. Statistical Graphs and Charts
 C. Measures of Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Mode)
 D. Measures of Dispersion (Range, Variance, Standard Deviation)
 E. Using the Normal Distribution Curve
 F. Applications

VII. Logic
 A. Conjunction, Disjunction, and Conditionals
 B. Truth Tables
 C. Categorical Proportions
 D. Fallacies and Valid Arguments
 E. Applications

Course Structure: A typical class will consist of 10 minutes of answering questions on
assigned homework from the previous class. The rest of the class will consist mainly of
lecturing on the new material with as many examples as possible. Students are encouraged to
ask questions during lectures. Homework will be assigned at the end of each class. Students are
expected to read in the text the sections covered.

Technology/Media Component: Students will be instructed in the use of the scientific
calculator as it relates to the course.

Course Requirements & Evaluation/Grading Policy:
Assignments: All homework assignments will be announced in class. All homework will be
collected. Homework collected will either be graded, or points awarded for completing the
assignment. There is a direct correlation between the amount of time spent on homework and a
student's success on the exams. Specific problems encountered by students in doing the
assignments will be discussed in class or during office hours.

Grading Policy: Quizzes/Homework – 100 points*
  Exam I, Exam II, and Exam III – 200 points*
  Final Exam – – 200 points
  * Note: I will drop your lowest quiz, homework & exam score

Missed Quizzes/Homework or Exams: If a student misses classes during regularly scheduled
one-hour exams the grade of zero will be assigned for that exam unless he or she can show that
the absence was the result of sickness, family emergency, or some other event completely
beyond their control. Makeup exams/quizzes will be given only in extreme circumstances when
the student has missed more that one exam and has documentation to verify their absence. You
have one week from the date of the exam/quiz to make it up. Late homework assignments will
have a reduced grade and must be turned in within one week of the due date. I will not accept
homework that is more than one week late. You must show all work where appropriate to
receive credit. Your points based on the following percentage scale will determine your grade:

A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
E = 0-59

Attendance Policy:
Students are strongly encouraged not to miss any classes. Students are responsible for all
announcements made in class such as homework assignments and exam dates. You are
responsible for your attendance, especially if I am asked to verify attendance for any reason.

Withdrawal Policy:
The last day to drop this class and receive a grade of “W”, is the last class meeting before
the final examination; otherwise, a failing grade will be assigned.

KCTCS Academic Offenses Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the act of presenting ideas, words, or organization of a source, published or not, as if they
were ones own. All quoted material must be in quotation marks, and all paraphrases, quotations, significant
ideas, and organization must be acknowledged by some form of documentation acceptable to the instructor
for the course.

Plagiarism also includes the practice of employing or allowing another person to alter or revise the work
that a student submits as the student’s own. Students may discuss assignments among themselves or with
an instructor or tutor, but when the actual material is completed, it must be done by the student and the
student alone. The use of the term “material” refers to work in any form including written, oral, and

All academic work, written or otherwise, submitted by a student to an instructor or other academic
supervisor, is expected to be the result of the student’s own thought, research, or self-expression. In any
case in which a student feels unsure about a question of plagiarism involving the student’s work, the
student must consult the instructor before submitting the work. Cheating
Cheating includes buying, stealing, or otherwise obtaining unauthorized copies of
examinations or assignments for the purpose of improving one’s academic standing. During examinations
or in-class work, cheating includes having unauthorized information, and/or referring to unauthorized notes
or other written or electronic information. In addition , copying from others, either during examinations or
in the preparation of homework assignments, is a form of cheating. Student Co-Responsibility
Anyone who knowingly assists in any form of academic dishonesty shall be considered as guilty as the
student who accepts such assistance. Students should not allow their work to be copied or otherwise used
by fellow students, nor should they sell or give unauthorized copies of examinations to other students. Misuse or Student Falsification of Academic Records
The misuse or actual or attempted falsification, theft, misrepresentation, or other alteration of any official
academic record of the college is a serious academic offense. As used in this context, “academic record”
includes all paper and electronic versions of the partial or complete academic record.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)Statement

Students with disabilities:

If you are in need of an accommodation because of a documented
disability, you are required to register with Disability Support Services each
semester. You may contact:

Please do not request accommodations directly from your instructor. All
students receiving accommodations must be qualified through the Office of
Disability Support Services.
However, should you require assistance during an emergency evacuation,
notify the Office of Disability Support Services of your class & work study

Big Sandy Community and Technical College
Center for Enrichment Resources

The BSCTC Center for Enrichment Resources (CER) offers students academic
assistance in all subject areas. Students may receive one-on-one tutoring, small
group tutoring, assistance writing papers and performing research, and other
academic support services. Assistance is available both by appointment and on a
walk-in basis. Tutoring availability is contingent upon the availability of tutors. It
is recommended that students call ahead to schedule an appointment if tutoring is
needed in a particular subject.

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