Foundations of Math I

Text: Introductory Algebra : A Real World Approach – Author : Bello,
Company: Mcgraw Hill
Student Solutions Manual for above text (optional)
TI-83 Plus calculator (Optional)
Portfolio supplies and graphing paper
Hacker, A Pocket Style Manual, 4th edition , Bedford/St.Martin’s, 2004

Course Description :
This course includes the following algebraic topics:
Simplification of numeric /algebraic expressions by applying order of operations
Solutions of equations and inequalities in 1 variable
Graphing equations in 2 variables by using different forms of linear equations
Simplification of numeric/ algebraic expressions by applying laws of exponents
Study of polynomials and the 4 basic operations on them
Factoring of polynomials ( As time permits)
Mat 091 (Foundations of Math I is a course that is prerequisite/preparatory
for Mat 096 (Foundations of Math II)

Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives) :

A) Communicate Effectively
1)Learning Outcome: Student will be able to communicate effectively about mathematics through symbolic language and translate English expressions into algebraic expressions.
Course Objective : Understand and communicate the meaning of mathematical symbols used in algebra.
Assessment is based on tests, quizzes, and daily work in math portfolio

B) Think critically
Assessment is based on tests, quizzes, and daily work in math portfolio.
1. Learning Outcome- Students will perform basic algebraic operations.
Course Objective: Solve problems using algebraic formulas

2. Learning Outcome- Students will perform basic algebraic operations.
Course Objective : Solve algebraic equations with 2 or more

3. Learning Outcome- Students will perform basic algebraic operations.
Course Objective : To solve inequalities

4. Learning Outcome : Students will be able to construct graphs.
Course Objective : Construct graphs of linear equations in 2 variables

5. Learning Outcome : Students will be able to simplify expressions.
Course Objective : Apply rules of exponents to simplify expressions

6. Learning Outcome :
Students will be able to perform operations on
Course Objective :
Students will factor polynomials and
perform 4 basic operations on polynomials.

C. Learn Independently
Learning Outcome :
he student will apply their learning.
Course Objective :
The student will understand applications that lead to the
solution of problems.

Method of Instruction : Lectures on topics will be presented by the instructor working
and explaining problems on the board. These problems will copied by the students in
their course notebook. There will be time and opportunity for any student to ask
questions. Students will be individually encouraged to work problems on the board and
explain them to the class. There may be up to three motivational films viewed in class
where the students do brief reports on the content.

Explanation of Grading System:
5 Tests @ 100 pts ea. 500 points
1 semester quiz grade @ 100 pts 100 points
Total Points 600 points

Final numerical score = Total points earned ÷ 600 (* This is converted to percent )
The above numerical score is converted to its corresponding letter grade according to the
grading scale.

Total Course Grading Scale: A= 90-100, B=80-89, C=70-79, D=60-69, F=0-59
*All students must complete the course to receive credit. If a student stops
attending class toward the end of the semester and does not take the final
examination, a grade of “F” will be given.

Course Requirements:
You are expected to attend all classes and to be on time. Any combination of three
tardies or early dismissals count as an absence. A very detailed record of your attendance
will be kept by your instructor. This record may be shared with the Dean of Enrollment
through the Early Alert System. Your attendance record may be given to the Registrar for Financial Aid purposes. If you are in an athletic program, your coach will probably be interested in your attendance history.

You are given the opportunity to prepare in class a mathematics portfolio during the semester according to the following guidelines:
Your math notes should be kept in a 3-ring binder with 2 pockets. It can be organized in the following way:
1) Daily notes clipped in the middle.
2) Assignments in one pocket of notebook
3) All graded tests and quizzes in another pocket
4) Other written assignments from a math film or computer retrieved topic
5) Course Syllabus

If your mathematics portfolio is neat, complete, and meets all of the above guidelines you can present this work at the end of the semester to receive an additional grade of 100 points to be computed into your average. * If you do not adhere to the above guidelines, do not present this work for a grade.

Order of Presentation of Material

Jan.7 – Jan.17
Chap.1 Order of operations and simplication of numeric and algebraic expressions

Jan.22 –Feb.12
Chap.2 Solutions of Equations/Inequalities

Feb.14 – Mar. 13
Chap. 3 Graphing linear equations

Mar.17 – Apr. 17
Chap. 4&5 Laws of Exponents & Polynomials

Apr.21 – Apr.24
Course and Final Exam Reviews

May 1 (1:00p-3:00p)
Final Exam. SC-101

Approximate dates of tests:
 Test 1: 1/17/08 (Order of Operations, simplification of numeric and alg. expressions )
Test 2: 2/12/08 ( Solutions of Equations and Inequalities)
Test 3: 3/13/08 (Graphing linear equations in 2 variables by using different forms of linear equations)
Test 4: 4/17/08 ( Laws of Exponents & Polynomials) Test 5 :TBA (Final Exam.) SC 101 Date: 5/1/08 Time: 1:00p-3:00p The lowest test score will be dropped with the exception of the final examination if the student has perfect attendance .
*Remember, any combination of 3 tardies or early dismissals are counted as an absence.

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