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Course:   Math 0903.01        8-8:50              MWF         Corley 102

   Math 0903.07        2-3:20              MW           Dean 104


Instructor:           Laurie Carman                   Office: Corley 245   Office Phone:  (479) 964-0517


Math Office phone: (479) 968-0663

Office Hours:    Monday:  9-9:50, 11-11:50

Wednesday:  9-9:50, 11-12:50

Friday:  9-9:50, (math lab 11-12),  12-12:50, 2-4      &   by appointment   


Catalog Description:  The purpose of this course is to prepare for college-level mathematics those students whose mathematics background is inadequate.  Content of the course is fundamental operations, linear equations, special products and factoring, fractions, functions, graphs, and systems of linear equations.  The grade in the course will be computed in semester and cumulative grade point averages, but the course may not be used to satisfy general education requirements nor provide credit toward any degree.


Prerequisites:  One unit of high school algebra, or Math 0803, or consent of the


Text:   Intermediate Algebra , , 5rd edition.  Published by McGraw-Hill.


Purpose:  The student who has not had Algebra I and Algebra II in high school, or does not have adequate scores on the ACTE, SAT, or ASSET exam, must complete this course with a grade of "C" or better before taking a college level mathematics course such as Math 1113 College Algebra or Math 1103 General Mathematics.  The purpose of this course is to provide the student with the algebra background necessary to be successful in college level mathematics courses.


Assessment Methods

         Daily Homework 10%, Online quizzes 10%, Unit Tests 60%,   Comprehensive Final Exam 20%.


Homework Your top twenty homework grades will be computed in your final grade.

For full credit the following conditions must be met:

                                          Criteria for Credit

                                       - Work is completed neatly in pencil.

                                       - All necessary steps must be written out (show your work).         

                                       - Work is turned in on time. (No late papers accepted)



Tests:  Tests will be announced at least 2 class periods in advance. 

Make-up Tests:  If you miss a test, you must contact the instructor and take the make-up test within one week of the original test.  Make-up tests will be given at 2pm on Fridays in Corley 231 or at the instructors convenience.  Also, you may only make up one test during the semester. If you know that you will miss a test in advance, you may arrange to take the test at an earlier date.  This must be arranged individually with the instructor outside of class time.  Missed tests will result in a zero. 



Grading Scale        100-90% = A; 89-80%=B; 79-70%=C; 69-60%=D; 59-0%=F.


Calculator:   A graphics calculator, such as the TI-83, TI 83 Plus, or TI 84 is required for this course.

There may be some exams or portions of exams which must be completed without the use of a calculator.


Policies:          Attendance Policy - Attendance is required.  If you miss 3 classes, you will be reported to academic advising through the Early Warning program.  After 4 absences you may be dropped form the class with a grade of F*.   Note:  only a university excused absence will be excused. 

         Any absence results in missed material that  the student is individually responsible for making up.


Cheating/Plagiarism - May result in a point penalty, a zero on that work, or expulsion from the class with a grade of F, depending on the circumstances.  Cheating will not be tolerated!


Resources for help:


-Math lab: The math lab located in Corley 231 offers free tutoring to Tech students.  It is staffed with upper level students & math instructors.  Computers are available in the math lab for MathZone work.  The hours will be announced as soon as they are set for the semester.


-Your instructor: If you need additional help, please come by or call during office hours or make an appointment. Come with your homework started - prepared to ask specific questions (write them down as you work on the material). If you do not have any work started you will be directed to the math lab until you have you homework at least partially completed.


E-mail is the fastest way to contact me outside of office hours!                                                            


Objectives:  Students successfully completing this course will be able to:


1.            factor using several techniques.

2.      use factoring to solve quadratic equations.

3.      perform operations on rational expressions.

4.      solve equations containing rational expressions.

5.      graph linear equations and inequalities.

6.      write equations of lines.

7.      perform operations with radicals.

8.      solve equations containing radicals.

9.      apply rules of exponents to fractional exponents.


Material Covered: The material to be covered is divided into the following units.


Unit 1:  Linear Equations and Inequalities in One Variable  (3-4 weeks)


Objectives:  At the end of this unit the student should be able to perform the following tasks:




Unit 2:  Graphs and Functions in the Cartesian Coordinate System  (34 weeks)


Objectives:  At the end of this unit the student should be able to perform the following tasks:


1.      Plot points in a rectangular coordinate system and name the quadrant in which it lies or the axis on which it lies.

2.      Graph a linear equation using three points.

3.      Find the x- and y-intercepts for a line and use them to graph the line.

4.      Find the slope of a line from its graph.

5.      Find the slope of a line given two points.

6.      Find the slope of a line parallel or perpendicular to a given line.

7.      Write the equation of a line in slope-intercept form given:

a.      the slope and the y-intercept.

b.      the slope and a point the line passes through.

c.      two points the line passes through.

d.      a point the line passes through and a line it is parallel or perpendicular to.

e.      its graph.

8.      Write the equation of a line in slope-intercept form, and then identify its slope and y-intercept.

9.      Graph a linear equation using its slope and y-intercept.

10.  Determine if a relation is a function.

11.  Evaluate a function.

12.  Graph constant, absolute value, quadratic, and square root functions.

13.  Determine if a graph represents the graph of a function using the vertical line test.


Unit 3:  Solving Systems of Linear Equations & Addition, Subtraction, and

Multiplication of Polynomials   (2-3 weeks)


Objectives:  At the end of this unit the student should be able to perform the following tasks:


1.      Solve a system of equations in two variables using the graphing method, substitution method, and the addition method.

2.      Identify a system of equations as independent, inconsistent, or dependent equations.

3.      State the solution (when it exists) as an ordered pair.

4.      Set up and solve a system of equations from a word problem.

5.      Simplify expressions involving integral exponents.

6.      Convert numbers using standard notation and scientific notation.

7.      Solve interest rate problems by applying the formula.

8.      Identify a polynomial, trinomial, binomial, and monomial.

9.      Define term, coefficient, constant, and degree as they apply to polynomials.

10.  Evaluate a polynomial function.

11.  Add, subtract, and multiply polynomials.

12.  Multiply binomials using the FOIL method and applying special product formulas.


Unit 4:Factoring and Solving Polynomial and Rational equations  (3-4 weeks)


Objectives:  At the end of this unit the student should be able to perform the following tasks:


            1.  Factor out the greatest common factor.

            2.  Factor the difference of two squares.

            3.  Factor perfect square trinomials.

            4.  Factor by grouping.

            5.  Factor quadratic trinomials with leading coefficient 1.

            6.  Factor quadratic trinomials with leading coefficient1.

            7.  Recognize prime polynomials.

            8.  Use factoring strategies to completely factor a polynomial.

            9.  Solve a quadratic or other polynomial equation by factoring.

            10.  Use the quadratic formula to solve quadratic equations.

            11.  Solve a proportion by cross-multiplying.

12.  Solve an equation involving rational expressions by multiplying

      every term by the least common denominator.



Unit 5:Rational Exponents and Radicals (1-2 weeks)


Objectives:  At the end of this unit the student should be able to perform the following tasks:


  1. Find the nth root of an expression using rational exponents.
  2. Use the rules for rational exponents to simplify expressions.
  3. Find the nth root using radical notation.
  4. Convert an expression with rational exponents to radical notation and radical notation to rational exponents.
  5. Simplify radical expressions using the Product and Quotient rules for radicals.
  6. Solve equations with radicals and exponents by applying the Even-Root or Odd-Root properties or by raising each side to a power.