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Thank you for visiting our site! You landed on this page because you entered a search term similar to this: solving equations by adding subtraction multiply divide.We have an extensive database of resources on solving equations by adding subtraction multiply divide. Below is one of them. If you need further help, please take a look at our software "Algebrator", a software program that can solve any algebra problem you enter!

Adding and Subtracting Like Terms

To combine like terms, do the following:

  1. Determine which terms contain the same variable or groups of variables raised to the same exponent.
  2. Add or subtract the numerical coefficients.
  3. Attach the common variables and exponents.

For example, 3x + 6x can be simplified to (3+ 6) x = 9x


If possible, simplify each of the following expressions.

    1. 10a + 10b –3a
    2. 5b2 + 8b3
    3. 3x2y2z – 5xyz + x2y2z



    1. 10a + 10b – 3a = 7a + 0b
    2. 5b2 + 8b3 = 5b 2 + 8b3
    3. 3x2y2z – 5xyz + x2y2z = 4x2 y2z – 5xyz


Detailed Answers

(1) 10a + 10b – 3a = 7a + 10b

To find the solution:

  1. Determine which terms contain the same variable or groups of variables raised to the same exponent: If we look at this equation we see that there are two terms which contain the variable a.
10a + 10b – 3a
  1. Add or subtract the numerical coefficients:
    We use the distributive property to rewrite the equation. Then perform the subtraction indicated, subtracting 3 from 10.
(10 – 3) a + 10b
  1. Attach the common variables and exponents: We then display the final result from the subtraction.
7a + 10b

(2)5b2 + 8b3 = 5b2 + 8b3

  1. Determine which terms contain the same variable or groups of variables raised to the same exponent: While both terms have b's in them, they are raised to different powers, b2 and b3. This means we cannot combine these two terms.
5b2 + 8b3

(3) 3x2y2z – 5xyz + x2y2z= 4x2y2z – 5xyz

  1. Determine which terms contain the same variable or groups of variables raised to the same exponent: If we look at this equation we see that there are two terms which contain the variable x2y2z.
3x2y2z – 5xyz + x2y2z
  1. Add or subtract the numerical coefficients: We group these terms together and perform the addition indicated, adding 3 and 1 together.
(3 + 1)(x2y2z) – 5xyz
  1. Attach the common variables and exponents: Here we have the final result.
4x2y2z – 5xyz

Combining like terms is crucial in solving equations. Thisis a procedure you will use often with algebraic expressions.