College Algebra Prerequisite Algebra Skills

Section Topic Example
1.1 Type of number Classify the number with as many as apply - natural, integer, rational, or real :
  Scientific notation Write the number in scientific notation:
1.2 Arrange numbers numerically Arrange the numbers from smallest to largest:
  Plot data set on a number line Plot the set of data on a number line:
  Make a scatterplot Make a scatterplot with the set of data using correctly labeled axes:
1.3 Graph a function by hand Graph the function f by hand then check using a graphing calculator :
  Express a verbal representation Express a verbal representation for “to convert g gallons to l liters, multiply g by
  Evaluate a function graphically Use the graph of
  Determine the domain and range Determine the domain and range of
1.4 Determine the slope using 2 points Determine the slope of the line that passes through the points (-0.5, .9.2) and
(-0.3, -.7.6)
1.5 Approximate value of function Approximate f(1.9 ) for
  Determine the vertex of a parabola Determine the coordinates of the vertex of
2.1 Solve a linear equation graphically Use the graph of the function f(x) = 2x –5 to solve for f(x) = 0
  Solve an equation graphically using
the input- intercept method
Use the input-intercept method to solve the equation graphically:
  Solve an equation graphically using
the intersection of graphs method
Solve the equation using the graphical method of intersection of
  Use a table to solve an equation
Create a table of input and output values for the function and solve the function
to the nearest tenth:
  Solve an equation symbolically Use a symbolic method to solve the equation
2.2 Solve a linear inequality graphically
using the input-intercept method
Solve the inequalityusing the input-intercept method.
  Solve a linear inequality graphically
using the intersection of graphs
Solve the inequalityusing the intersection of graphs method.
  Solve a linear inequality numerically Solve the inequality numerically
  Express inequality in interval notation Write the inequality in interval notation:
  Solve a linear inequality symbolically Solve the inequality symbolically:
2.3 Write linear equation in point-slope
form given two points
Write the linear equation for the line that passes through the points (4, 5) and
(-2, -3)
  Write a linear equation in point-slope
form given a point and the slope
Write the linear equation for the line that passes through the point (4,5) and has
slope of –2.4
  Write a linear equation for a line
parallel to a given line
Write the equation of the line that is parallel to the line y = -3x + 7 and passes
through the point (1, 5)
  Write a linear equation for a line that
is perpendicular to a given line
Write the equation of the line that is perpendicular to the line y = -3x + 7 and
passes through the point (1, 5)
2.4 Evaluate a piece-wise defined function Evaluate the function at x = -3 and at x = 2
  Graph an absolute value function Graph the function f (x) = | 2x − 4 |
  Solve an absolute value function
Solve the function symbolically: Write the solution in interval
  Solve an absolute value function
graphically and write the solution in
interval notation
Solve the function graphically and write the solution in interval notation:
2.5 Determine the midpoint of a line
Determine the midpoint of the line segment connecting the points (1.5, 2.9) and
(-5.7, -3.6)
  Determine the distance between two
points in a coordinate plane
Determine the length of the line segment connecting the points (1.5, 2.9) and
(-5.7, -3.6)
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