Algebra II Course Outline

I. Course: Mathematics 4-003N, and 4-016N Algebra II.
(Prerequisites: Arithmetic and Algebra I and/or a
satisfactory score on the proficiency examination. Any
student not fulfilling the latter prerequisites will be
administratively withdrawn with appropriate counseling
regarding the necessary prerequisite course that should be
taken by a course adjustment.)

II. Text: Intermediate Algebra, Tenth Edition, by Marvin
L. Bittinger Addison-Wesley, 2007.

III. Objectives:

A. To review the terminology of the real number
system and show the interrelationships of the
components of the number system , stressing basic

B. To apply mathematical principles and to define
algebraic terms.

C. To review all the basic operations involving

D. To review factoring and its applications in
performing operations on rational expressions
(including complex expressions ). To identify two
new steps in factoring .

E. To review the solution of first degree equations,
and to solve: 1) first degree equations with
variables in denominator ; 2) literal equations
(applications included).

F. To identify the point-slope and slope-intercept
forms of a line and apply these concepts to
graphing linear equalities and inequalities.

G. To review the three basic types of linear systems
in two variables and to solve linear systems in
three variables with possible applications.

H. To review the basic laws of exponents and to
extend these laws to include negative and
rational exponents in addition to the radical
forms of rational exponents.

I. To define logarithms, to identify the basic laws
of logs and to apply logs to intricate numerical
computations and the solution of exponential

J. To review factorable quadratic equations and to
derive the quadratic formula for the solutions of
non-factorable quadratics, with applications.

K. To solve equations with one radical.

L. To specify the basic properties of inequalities
and apply them in solving and graphing
inequalities in one or two unknowns. To solve
quadratic inequalities and to solve equations and
inequalities involving absolute values .

M. To graph parabolas stressing the vertex and
intercepts as essential points in describing an
accurate representation.

n. To introduce the concept of functions and apply
the concept of a function to linear and quadratic

IV. Course Outline

Welcome to Algebra II. At this time we plan to follow
the sequence of the textbook with specific deletions
(see the last page for the course outline). By the end
of the semester, we expect that the majority of the
chapters 1 - 8 will be presented. However, be assured
that I teach what I test and I only test what I teach.
The regular office hours of your professor are: 12:00-
4:00 p.m. MW, and 12 – 2 p.m. T all in CM320. If
necessary, I will arrange additional office hours for
students needing extra help. (Office telephone 703-
323-3344.) Please NOTE! There will be NO afternoon
office hours on Thursday afternoon, and there will be
NO office hours for the entire day on Fridays.

V. Requirements


Homework (classroom enhancement): Homework will
be assigned at the end of each session so that
you can gain the necessary experience with new
topics presented in class. You are expected to
spend two hours for each class hour outside of
class time. Homework will be spot checked at the
beginning of class assessing for neatness and
completeness (These requirements include
copying the given original examples, showing all
methods and steps and labeling all answers.)

VIII. Attendance/Student Participation: Education is a
cooperative endeavor between the student and the
instructor. Instructors plan a variety of learning
activities to help their students master the course
content. Your contribution is to participate in these
activities within the framework established in the
class syllabus. Successful learning requires good
communication between students and instructors;
therefore, in my classes, regular classroom attendance
is required, and attendance will be taken in every
class meeting. It is your responsibility to inform
your instructor prior to an absence from class. You
are responsible for making up all course work missed
during an absence. In the event of unexplained
absences, especially if you miss the first three
weeks of class, I may withdraw you administratively
from the course. Please reference page 36 in the
college catalog regarding the attendance policy for
students. Also, please be prompt in attending class.
To presume that you can consistently interrupt the
classroom presentation and interfere with your
colleagues’ learning is simply arrogant and

VIII. Additional administrative details for this course:

MTH 4-003N, Basic Algebra II, MW, 10:00-11:40 a.m., 4
credits, room CN104, 16 weeks.

MTH 4-016N, Basic Algebra II, MW, 4:30-6:10 p.m., 4
credits, room CN104, 16 weeks.

Algebra II Course Outline
MTH 4-003N and MTH 4-016N
Spring Semester 2009

Intermediate Algebra, Tenth Edition, by Marvin L. Bittinger, Addison-
Wesley, 2007.

There are “Steps to Success” video tapes, “Math Study Skills for
Students”videotape, audio tapes, InterAct Math Tutorial Software, and a MathMax Multimedia CD-Rom
for Intermediate Algebra available in the multi-media lab, CG409, which
correspond to each chapter.

12 January R & 1 Classes begin (Introduction)
Review of Basic Algebra I
R.3, R.7 (R.1, R.2 and R.4-
R.6 are optional.)
Solving Linear Equations and
12-18 January
Schedule Adjustments (add/drop/swapon
NovaConnect) without permission
20-28 January




Schedule Adjustments with Permission
(Adds-in person only;Dropson
19 January
Martin Luther King Holiday for
Faculty, Staff and Students
20 January * Inauguration Day – College Closed
21 January
Solving Linear Equations and Inequalities
1.2 – 1.4
26 January 1 & 2 Solving Linear Equations and
1.5 – 1.6
Graphs, Functions and Applications
2.1 (2.3 is optional, light
treatment of functions, no range.)
28 January




Last Day for Schedule Adjustments with
Permission or Drop with Tuition Refund
(Census Date)
29 January
Parking enforcement on Student (B) Lots
begins at 6 a.m.
2 February
Graphs, Functions and Applications
2.2a,b, 2.4, 2.5
9 February 2 & 3 Graphs, Functions and Applications
Systems of Equations
3.1-3.3 (3.6, 3.7c and 3.8 are
16 February
Systems of Equations
3.4, 3.5, 3.7a,b
23 February
Polynomials and Polynomial Functions
4.1 – 4.4
2 March * Last Day to Apply for Graduation
2 March
Polynomials and Polynomial Functions
9 – 15 March
Spring Break for Nine-Month Faculty
and Students
16 March




Rational Expressions, Equations and
5.1-5.2, 5.3a,b, 5.4 (5.3c, 5.6-5.8
are optional.)
23 March




5 & 6




Rational Expressions, Equations and
Radical Expressions, Equations and
8.1 - 6.3 (6.7 and 6.8b,c,d,e & f
are optional.)
27 March
Last Day to Withdraw Without Grade
Penalty or Change to Audit.
30 March
Radical Expressions, Equations and
6 April



6 & 7



Radical Expressions, Equations and
Quadratic Equations and Functions
7.1- 7.2 (7.4, 7.5 and 7.7 are
13 April
Quadratic Equations and Functions
7.3, 7.6, 7.8
20 April




Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
8.1a, 8.3 (8.1b,c, 8.2, 8.5 and
8.7 are optional.)
27 April
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
8.4, 8.6
4 May Monday Classes end. MTH 4-003N and MTH 4-016N
6 May
10-11:50 a.m., CN104
6 May
4:30-6:10 p.m., CN104
Any sections not indicated are to be omitted.
* Important dates for the semester.
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