linear inequalities absolute value two variable solving equations algebraically -mutiply or divide Adding,subtracting,multiplying,dividing,integers ,examples of linear simultaneous equations problems solved by gaussian elimination ,adding\subtracting\multiplying\dividing fractions 

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Course Prefix/Number: MATH-112

Course Title: IntermediateAlgebra

Division: Applied Science Division

Program: Mathematics

CreditHours: 3

Initiation/RevisedDate Fall 2004






This course is designed forstudents with a minimal background in algebra. The course carries institutionalcredit of 3 hours (It counts toward graduation from NCCC). The course may not transfer credit to anotherinstitution, dependent upon graduation requirements for particular programs andinstitutions as described in their catalogs. Topics covered are: equations andinequalities, absolute value, functions and graphs, polynomials, rationalexpressions and radicals, and systems of equations and inequalities. Students will be expected to have access toat least a scientific calculator. Agraphing calculator (such as a TI-83) would be acceptable. (It would be needed for College Algebra.)



The student will be placed according to theirCompass/ACT score, completed Math-011 Beginning Algebra, or received theconsent of the instructor prior to entering this class.



Hutchison,Bergman, and Hoelzle, 2004. Elementaryand Intermediate Algebra, A Unified Approach. McGraw-Hill 2004



The student will be able to demonstrate the abilityto:

I. Use basic rules of Algebra and real numbers.

II. To solveproblems involving linear equations, absolute value equations and inequalitiesin one variable

as well as setup and solve application problems.

III. To identifyfunctions and sketch linear equations and functions in 2 variables and use amultivariate

approach tosolving application problems involving linear equations and functions.

IV. To factorpolynomials and perform standard polynomial operations.

V. To solvequadratic equations and application problems involving quadratic equations.

VI. To simplifyexpressions and solve equations involving rational expressions.

VII. To graphinequalities in two variables and solve systems equations by usingsubstitution, addition

and graphing.

VIII. To simplifyexpressions containing rational exponents and radicals and solve equationscontaining such





I. RealNumbers (Quick review)

A.    Signed number arithmetic and order of operations on the realnumbers #0.3, #0.4, #0.5

II.1st Degree Equations and Inequalities.

A. Show solutions on a numberline and in interval notation. #1.4

B.    Solve single variablelinear and absolute value equations and inequalities using the addition andmultiplication properties. #2.3, #2.5,2.6

C.    Set up and solveapplication problems involving linear equations and inequalities in onevariable. #2.4

D.    Solve absolute valuefunctions and inequalities. #2.7& 2.8

III.Graphs and Linear Equations

A.    The graph of a linearequation #3.3

B.    The slope of a line #3.4

C.    Forms of linearequations #3.5

IV.Beginning Look at Functions

A.    Relations & Functions #5.1

B.    Tables & Graphs #5.2

C.    Algebra of Functions #5.3

D.    Composition of Functions #5.4

V.Factoring Polynomials

A.    Factoring SpecialPolynomials #6.2

B.    Factoring trinomials #6.3

C.     Solving quadratic equationsby factoring #6.4

D.     ProblemSolving with Factoring #6.5

E.      Solving quadratic equationsby completing the square #11.1

F.      The quadratic formula #11.2

VI. RationalExpressions

A.    Operations with rationalexpressions #7.2, #7.3

B.    Complex fractions #7.4

C.    Solving Rational Equations #7.5

VII. Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities

A.    Graphing systems of linearequations #8.1

B.    Systems of equations withtwo variables with applications #8.2

C.    Systems of linear equationsin three variables #8.3

D.    Graphing linearinequalities in two variables #8.5

VIII.Radicals and Exponents

A.     Roots and Radicals #10.1

B.     Simplifing RadicalExpressions #10.2,

C.     Operationon RadicalExpressions #10.3

D.     RationalExponents #10.5

E.      Complex numbers #10.6



The textwill serve as a guideline for the course with most of the material taken fromthe text and delivered in an informal lecture/discussion presentation. A TI-83or other model of a graphing calculator, an overhead projector, chalkboard,videos or other forms of technology may be used for demonstrations. Problem assignmentswill be made for each section that is covered and the student should be readyto discuss the problems in the next class session. Normally the first part of aclass will be used to discuss the previous assignment. The student isencouraged to visit the instructor for individual help outside of class; seekhelp immediately when you dont understand some concept.



See the syllabus supplementfor a specific course section for details of student requirements and method of evaluation.




A: 90-100

B: 80-89

C: 70-79

D: 60-69

F: below60%


Seethe syllabus supplement for a specific course section for details of gradingscale.



Unless students areparticipating in a school activity or areexcused by the instructor, they are expected to attend class. If a students unexcused absences exceed onehundred (100) minutes per credithour for the course, the instructorhas the right, but is not required, to withdraw a student from the course. Once the student has been dropped forexcessive absences, the dean of student services/registrars office will send aletter to the student, stating that he or she has been dropped. A student may petition the chief academicofficer for reinstatement by submitting a letter stating valid reasons for theabsences within one week of the dean of student services/registrarsnotification. If the student isreinstated into the class, the instructor will be notified. Administrative Withdrawals (AW) cannot occurafter seventy-five percent (75%) of the class has been completed.


Anycombination of three late arrivals to class and/or early departure from classbefore the conclusion of the session may count as one absence.



NCCC expects every student todemonstrate ethical behavior with regard to academic pursuits. Academic integrity in coursework is aspecific requirement. Consequences ofviolation of the Academic Integrity policy can range from redoing theassignment for partial credit to course dismissal at the discretion of theinstructor. Definitions and examples ofAcademic Integrity, as well as the appeals process, can be found in the CollegeCatalog, Student Handbook, and/or Code of Student Conduct and Discipline.



Student cell phones and pagers must be turnedoff during class times. Faculty may approve an exception for specialcircumstances.



Students are encouraged toparticipate freely in classroom discussions, including offering personalinsights and asking questions relevant to the subject at hand. However, intentionally non-relevant commentsand questions, and personal conversations are disruptive and are notappropriate in coursework while class is in session. These behaviors interfere with the learningprocess and therefore will not be tolerated.You are expected to conduct yourselves at all times as mature adultsactively engaged in the pursuit of higher learning.



Inorder to assess course effectiveness an appropriate Placement Examination willbe administered as both a pre- and post-test (per institutional assessmentplan). This will give a measure of the effectiveness of our own institutionalplacement procedures as well as an indication that the necessary advancement instudent abilities has occurred so that the student may enroll in CollegeAlgebra.



Information and statements inthis document are subject to change at the discretion of NCCC.

Changes will be published inwriting and made available to students.


NOTE: Ifyou are a student with a disability who may need accommodation(s) under theAmericans with Disabilities Act (ADA), please notify the Director of Advisingand Counseling, Chanute Campus, Sanders Hall, 620-431-2820 ext 280, as soon aspossible. You will need to bring yourdocumentation for review in order to determine reasonable accommodations, andthen we can assist you in arranging any necessary accommodations.