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Book Reviews

Review of Algebra 1

Editorial review
From the reviews: "... This is one of the few mathematical books, the reviewer has read from cover to cover ...The main merit is that nearly on every page you will find some unexpected insights... " Zentralblatt für Mathematik "... There are few proofs in full, but there is an exhilarating combination of sureness of foot and lightness of touch in the exposition... which transports the reader effortlessly across the whole spectrum of algebra...Shafarevich's book - which reads as comfortably as an extended essay - breathes life into the skeleton and will be of interest to many classes of readers; certainly beginning postgraduate students would gain a most valuable perspective from it but... both the adventurous undergraduate and the established professional mathematician will find a lot to enjoy..." Math. Gazette

Reviewed by eltnjhon@jp.im.com, from Tokyo
An off-hand account of algebra by one of the best authorities of the subject. Recommended as a "serious" pass-time.

Reviewed by quad@wisdom.weizmann.ac.il, from Seoul,Korea
The author explains not just the definitions but also the 'philosophy' of algebra with highly non- trivial examples from geometry,analysis & topology not to mention algebra itself. Examples motivate the concepts and show their usefulness. There is little number of formal proofs, but theorems are usually supported by natural 'explanations' which may be even more adequate. Frequently a single example in this book can replace a substantial theory of the corresponding subject. For example, about axioms of projective geometry. A reader with no knowledge of modern algebra can try reading it ,but it would be more interesting if familiar with subjects of undergraduate mathe matics. Then an undergraduate reader will get some ideas how modern math uses sophiscated tools from algebra to understand other subjects. Another merit of this book is that it can be smoothly followed by the author's famous 2-volume textbook on algebraic geometry.

Review of Prealgebra/With Student's Solutions Manual

Editorial review
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Algebraic and Logic Programming, ALP '96, held in Aachen, Germany, in September 1996 in conjunction with PLILP and SAS. The volume presents 21 revised full papers selected from 54 submissions; also included is an invited contribution by Claude Kirchner and Ilies Alouini entitled "Toward the Concurrent Implementation of Computational Systems". The volume is divided into topical sections on logic programming, term rewriting, integration of paradigms, abstract interpretation, Lambda-calculus and rewriting, and types.

Review of Introductory Algebra Answer Book

Editorial review
This is a textbook for a course (or self-instruction) in cryptography with emphasis on algebraic methods. The first half of the book is a self-contained informal introduction to areas of algebra, number theory, and computer science that are used in cryptography. Most of the material in the second half - "hidden monomial" systems, combinatorial-algebraic systems, and hyperelliptic systems - has not previously appeared in monograph form. The Appendix by Menezes, Wu, and Zuccherato gives an elementary treatment of hyperelliptic curves. It is intended for graduate students, advanced undergraduates, and scientists working in various fields of data security.

Reviewed by Kmacho, from Madrid, Spain
It's a very good book about cryptography and all the "stuff" about it. Neal Koblick is one of the invertor on ECC, so he knows about he talks.

Review of Petri Net Algebra

Editorial review
This book presents a step-by-step development of a rigorous framework for the specification and verification of concurrent systems. Petri Net Algebra takes its inspiration and methods from Process Algebra and Petri Nets, two prominent branches of concurrency theory. Added synergistic benefit is derived from combining their respective advantages. Petri nets are treated as composable objects, and as such they are embedded in a general process algebra. On the other hand, a generic process algebra is given an automatic Petri net semantics so that net-based verification techniques, based on structural invariants and causal partial orders, can be applied to the process algebra. The book contains full proofs, carefully chosen examples and several possible directions for further research. A unique aspect is that the development of the Petri net algebra is handled so as to allow for further application-oriented extensions and modifications.

Review of Algebraic Melody

Editorial review
Poetry. ALGEBRAIC MELODY is the new book of poems, beautifully printed by Zasterle Press, from Benjamin Friedlander. His poems have previously appeared in Avec, Intent, Raddle Moon, Tyuonyi, and Writing, and he is co-editor of SELECTED PROSE OF CHARLES OLSON.

Review of Pre-Algebra, 1992

Editorial review
The 25 survey and research papers highlight the authors' own ideas in a form accessible to the whole community of mathematicians and computer scientists working on algebra and logic. Among the topics are field and ring theory, groups, ordered algebraic structures and their relationships to model theory, infinite permutation groups, abelian groups, modules and their relatives and representations, symmetry questions, and automorphism groups of orders. Aspects of model theory considered include quantifier elimination in skew fields, Hilberts' 17th problem, and Boolean algebras. Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR

Review of Elementary Algebra

Editorial review
A text for graduate and undergraduate students with background in algebra and topology. Early chapters introduce the theory of abelian groups, totally projective -groups, and Hill's version of Ulm's theorem. It is shown how this classification theorem is generalized to larger classes of abelian groups such as the balanced projective groups and Warfield groups. Later chapters examine certain classes of compact abelian groups using Pontrjagin duality. Duals of completely decomposable groups and Butler groups are studied. Includes exercises and research problems. Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR

Review of College Algebra

Editorial review
"A complete representation of the current knowledge in Mathematical Logic in a detailed and precise manner."

Review of Algebra 1

Editorial review
A textbook to be used in courses on functional analysis, Fourier analysis, and partial differential equations for students who have completed a course in real variables. No index. Acidic paper. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.

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