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Book Reviews

Review of College Algebra

Editorial review
This text covers all of the standard topics for college algebra. The first four chapters give an introduction to algebra for those students who need it. There is also a cumulative review exercise at the end of Chapter 4. The exercises are a normal lesson apart, and the problems in each exercise are in groups of four similar ones. This makes it a simple matter for even the inexperienced instructor to make a good assignment regularly. Most classes only need to be assigned every fourth problem, but other problems are available for practice. There are about 5000 problems in some 75 regular and 12 review exercises. About half of the problems are new, and there are many drill problems which are closely keyed to the examples.Answers are given in the text for three-fourths of the regular and all of the review problems.

Review of Pre Algebra Journal - Chapters 1-3

Editorial review
This interactive CD-ROM is a self-paced tutorial specifically linked to the text and reinforces topics through unlimited opportunities to review concepts and practice problem solving. The CD-ROM contains text,-chapter, and section-specific tutorials and multiple-choice questions with feedback, as well as algorithmically generated questions. It requires virtually no computer training on the part of students and supports IBM and Macintosh computers. In addition, a number of other technology and Web-based ancillaries are under development; they will support the ever-changing technology needs in developmental mathematics.

Review of Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: A Unified Approach with Windows CD-Rom

Editorial review
For students who have taken an arithmetic or pre-algebra course, this text contains all of the material needed to prepare for college algebra. There is sufficient material for courses of two quarters or in two semesters. The transitional section found between chapters 6 and 7 serves as a mid-book review for students preparing to take a final exam that covers the first seven chapters. For students who enter with a background in algebra, but need a thorough review, this text can be used in a one-term review course.

Review of Intermediate Algebra with CD-Rom Mac mandatory package

Editorial review
Intermediate Algebra is designed to provide your students with the algebra background needed for further college-level mathematics courses. The unifying theme of this text is the development of the skills necessary for solving equations and inequalities, followed by the application of those skills to solving applied problems. The primary goal in writing the third edition of Intermediate Algebra has been to retain the features that made the second edition so successful, while incorporating the comments and suggestions of second-edition users. Many new features have been provided that will help instructors reach the goals that they have set for their students. As always, the author endeavors to write texts that students can read, understand, and enjoy, while gaining confidence in their ability to use mathematics.

Review of Beginning Algebra

Editorial review
Miller/O'Neill Beginning Algebra is an insightful text written by instructors who have first-hand experience with students of developmental mathematics. The authors have placed an emphasis on graphing, by including special sections called, "Connections to Graphing" at the end of Chapters 1-5, before the formal presentation of Graphing appears in Chapter 6. The "Connections to Graphing" sections may be considered optional for those instructors who do not prefer an early introduction to graphing. For those who do prefer graphing early, instructors can use the "Connections to Graphing" sections together where they prefer to introduce graphing. A section on geometry appears in "Chapter R" for instructors who look for such content in Beginning Algebra. Applications that incorporate geometric concepts may also be found throughout the text. Chapter R also contains a section on study skills. This section provides easy to digest tips (in list format) for course success. The authors have crafted the exercise sets with the idea of infusing review. In each set of practice exercises, instructors will find a set of exercises that help students to review concepts previously learned, and in this way, students will retain more of what they have learned. The exercise sets also contain "translation" exercises which provide students with an opportunity to convert from English phrases to mathematical symbols and from mathematical symbols to English phrases, thus helping students to strengthen their command of mathematical language. Moreover, the applications found in the exercise sets are based on real-world data, which helps to promote students' interest in mathematics, and in turn, may serve to motivate and engage them more effectively. Other features include mid-chapter reviews and classroom activities. The classroom activities are of special value, in that through their use, students may begin to take greater ownership over their learning. The classroom activities were designed to be quick activities students could perform in class (either individually, or collaboratively in groups). In short, the Miller/O'Neill Beginning Algebra text offers enriching applications, a high level of readability, and excellent opportunities for students to become actively engaged in their exploration of mathematics. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Review of ESG Windows for use with College Algebra: A Graphing Approach

Editorial review
Each chapter on the ESG features a pre-test, and practice problems for each section, as well as a post-test. The pre-test questions and practice problems are algorithmically generated so that each student will have different questions.

Review of Beginning Algebra with SMART CD-ROM, Windows Package

Editorial review
Designed for a one-semester beginning or introductory algebra course, this successful worktext is appropriate for lecture, learning center, laboratory, or self-paced courses.Maintaining its hallmark features of carefully detailed explanations and accessible pedagogy, this edition of Beginning Algebra also addresses the AMATYC and NCTM Standards. In addition to the changes incorporated into the text, a new integrated video series and multimedia tutorial program are also available.

Reviewed by a reader, from L.A., California
The complete revision of Chapter 5, Factoring Polynomials greatly enhances the students ability to understand factoring by grouping. It is a far easier process than the trial and error in previous editions. The graphics are also greatly improved, but the visibility of the check yourself exercises, found in the chapters, has been absurdly diminished! -1 star for that error in judgement!

Review of Pre-Algebra Journal Chapters 12-14

Editorial review
This interactive CD-ROM is a self-paced tutorial specifically linked to the text and reinforces topics through unlimited opportunities to review concepts and practice problem solving. The CD-ROM contains chapter-and section-specific tutorials, multiiple choice questions with feedback, as well as algorithmically generated questions. It requires virtually no computer training on the part of students and supports IBM and Macintosh computers. In addition, a number of other technology and Web-based ancillaries are under development; they will suppot the ever-changing technology needs in developmental mathematics.

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