Math 1351 Test #1 Review

1. It is possible for the difference of two fractions to be a whole number.
A) True
B) False

2. Express (-128)2/7 without exponents

3. Express 272/3 without exponents.

4. Write without exponents : 25-3/2

5. Calculate the following and express your answer in simplest form .

6. Perform the following subtractions. Express your answers in simplest form.

7. Perform the following computations. Express your answers in simplest form.

8. The sum of two irrational numbers can never be rational.
A) True
B) False

9. If x^2 = 5, then which is true?

i) x is a rational number
ii) x is a real number

A) (i) only
B) (ii) only
C) Both (i) and (ii).
D) None of the other choices.

10. Solve for x : -5x - 2 ≤ -14 + 2x. (Write your answer as a fraction in lowest terms.)

11. Solve for x:
3x - (2 - (4x + 7)) = 19.

Answer: x = _____

12. Solve the following equations for x :

Answer: x = _____ / π

13. Is rational or irrational? _____

14. A function f(x) = mx + b is a linear function .
A) True
B) False

15. A horizontal line test can be used to determine if a graph is that of a function .
A) True
B) False

16. The coordinates of the point shown are
i) (0, 2)
ii) in quadrant I

A) (i) only
B) (ii) only
C) Both (i) and (ii).
D) None of the other choices.

17. Which of the following is the graph of a function?

A) (i) and (ii)
B) (i) and (iii) only
C) (ii) and (iii) only
D) (i), (ii) and (iii)

18. Find the coordinates of points A, B, C, D, and E.

A = ( _____ , _____ )
B = ( _____ , _____ )
C = ( _____ , _____ )
D = ( _____ , _____ )
E = ( _____ , _____ )

19. The graph of f(x) is shown below. For which value (s) of x is f(x) = 0? Write your
answer as a list of numbers, separated by semicolons.

20. Circle graphs are useful for showing trends but less useful for comparing parts of a
A) True
B) False

21. Pictographs can be used to mislead by displaying two dimensions when only one of the
dimensions represents the data.
A) True
B) False

22. Which of the following graphs does not display trends as well as the others?
A) circle
B) bar
C) line
D) pictograph

23. Which of the following is the best way to represent the percentage of people working in
various occupations in a certain city?
A) Dot diagram
B) Circle graph
C) Line graph
D) None of the other choices.

24. What was the percent increase in population in Cairo? (Omit the "%" sign.)

25. The mean of the data -5, -3 , -1, 1, 3, 5 is 0.
A) True
B) False

26. The variance of the data -2, 0, 2 is 0.
A) True
B) False

27. Every large group of data has a normal distribution.
A) True
B) False

28. What is the median of the following list of numbers?
1, 5, 3, 5, 7, 8, 2, 4
A) 5
B) 4.5
C) 4.375
D) None of the other choices.

29. The mean of the numbers 24, x, 27, 31, 37 is 28. What is x?
A) 26
B) 25
C) 21
D) None of the other choices.

30. Which collection of data has a mean of 12 and a variance of 0?
i) 12, 12, 12, 12, 12
ii) -12, -12, -12, 48, 48

A) (i) only
B) (ii) only
C) Both (i) and (ii).
D) None of the other choices.

31. Use the box and whisker plot to answer the following question:
What is the median?

32. Use the box and whisker plot to answer the following question:

What percentage of students scored between 53 and 68? (Give your asnwer as a single
number, omitting the "%" sign.)

33. Calculate this student's weighted average if tests are weighted 65%, quizzes are
weighted 15% and the final is weighted 20% of the average. (Omit the "%" sign from
your answer

Tests: 82% 67% 93% 81% 73%
Quizzes: 80% 29% 91% 100% 54% 82% 100%
Final: 83%

34. The class average on a math test was 82 out of 100. The 11 girls in the class scored 966
points. How many total points did the 8 boys score?

35. Jeff scored 76, 82, 69, 87, 90 on his first 5 math tests. What score must he get on his 6th
test to have a mean of 83%?

36. Line graphs with scale changes can be deceptive .
A) True
B) False

37. What is the 100th term in this sequence ? Look for a pattern.

3, 8, 13, 18, 23, . . .

Answer 2 of the following as an essay in paragraph form. Use examples as needed. Provide an
answer as if you were responding to the student as applicable.

1. Erik says that 3.25 > 3.5 because 25>5, and 6.2 < 6.04 because 2 < 4. Discuss. pg 427 # 5

2. Spike looks at the data 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 4, 9 and tells you that the median is 8. Do you agree?
If not, how can you explain his misconception. pg 475 # 1

3. Michael collected data on the favorite colors of everybody in the class. He then drew a line
graph of the data, but Rosa said he should have drawn a circle graph. Which student was
correct, and why? pg 454 #2.

Answer Key

1. A
2. 4
3. 9
4. 1/125
5. -4/5
6. 11/15
7. 1/3
8. B
9. B
10. 12/7
11. 2
12. -5
13. rational
14. A
15. B
16. D
17. B
18. (-2, 4); (1, 3); (4, 0); (0, -2); (-5,-1)
19. -2;0
20. B
21. A
22. A
23. B
24. 300
25. A
26. B
27. B
28. B
29. C
30. A
31. 78
32. 25
33. 79.5
34. 592
35. 94
36. A
37. 498

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