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Thank you for visiting our site! You landed on this page because you entered a search term similar to this: simultaneous equation solver quadratic 3 unknowns, here's the result:

Usually there will be no set of xi which exactly satisfies (1). Let us define an error vector ej by  

 a_{11} & a_{12} & \cdots & a_{...
 e_1 \\  
 e_2 \\  
 \vdots \\  e_n \\ \end{array} \right]\end{displaymath} (2)
It simplifies the development to rewrite this equation as follows (a trick I learned from John P. Berg).  
 -c_1 & a_{11} & \cdots & a_{1m...
 e_1 \\  
 e_2 \\  
 \vdots \\  e_n \\ \end{array} \right]\end{displaymath} (3)
We may abbreviate this equation as  
{\bf Bx} \eq {\bf e}\end{displaymath} (4)
where B is the matrix containing c and a. The ith error may be written as a dot product and either vector may be written as the column
\eq [b_{i1} \quad b_{i2}\quad \cdots] 
 ...1} \\  
 b_{i2} \\  
 \vdots \end{array} \right] \nonumber \\ \end{eqnarraystar}
Now we will minimize the sum squared error E defined as $\sum {e_i}^2$ 
E \eq \sum_i [1 \quad x_1 \quad \cdots] 
\; \left[ 
 1 \\  
 x_1 \\  
 \vdots \end{array} \right]\end{displaymath} (5)
The summation may be brought inside the constants  
E \eq [1 \quad x_1 \quad x_2 \quad \cdots] 
\; \left\{
 1 \\  
 x_1 \\  
 x_2 \\  
 \vdots \end{array} \right]\end{displaymath} (6)
The matrix in the center, call it rij, is symmetrical. It is a positive (more strictly, nonnegative) definite matrix because you will never be able to find an x for which E is negative, since E is a sum of squared ei. We find the x with minimum E by requiring $\partial E/\partial x_1 = 0, \
\partial E/\partial x_2 = 0, \, \ldots ,
\partial E/\partial x_m = 0.$ Notice that this will give us exactly one equation for each unknown. In order to clarify the presentation we will specialize (6) to two unknowns.  
\eq [1 \quad x_1 \quad x_2]
\; \left[ 
 1 \\  
 x_1 \\  
 x_2 \end{array} \right]\end{displaymath} (7)
Setting to zero the derivative with respect to x1, we get  
0 \eq {\partial E \over \partial x_1} 
\eq [0 \quad 1 \quad ...
 0 \\  
 1 \\  
 0 \end{array} \right]\end{displaymath} (8)
Since rij = rji, both terms on the right are equal. Thus (8) may be written  
0 \eq {\partial E \over \partial x_1} 
\eq 2 [r_{10} \quad r...
 1 \\  
 x_1 \\  
 x_2 \end{array} \right]\end{displaymath} (9)
Likewise, differentiating with respect to x2 gives  
0 \eq {\partial E \over \partial x_2} 
\eq 2 [r_{20} \quad r...
 1 \\  
 x_1 \\  
 x_2 \end{array} \right]\end{displaymath} (10)
Equations (9) and (10) may be combined  
 0 \\  
 0 \end{array} \right] 
 1 \\  
 x_1 \\  
 x_2 \end{array} \right]\end{displaymath} (11)
This form is two equations in two unknowns. One might write it in the more conventional form  
 r_{11} & r_{12} \\  r_{21} & r_{...
 r_{10} \\  
 r_{20} \end{array} \right]\end{displaymath} (12)
The matrix of (11) lacks only a top row to be equal to the matrix of (7). To give it that row, we may augment (11) by  
v \eq r_{00} + r_{01} x_1 + r_{02} x_2\end{displaymath} (13)
where (13) may be regarded as a definition of a new variable v. Putting (13) on top of (11) we get  
 v \\  
 0 \\  
 0 \end{array} \ri...
 1 \\  
 x_1 \\  
 x_2 \end{array} \right]\end{displaymath} (14)
The solution x of (12) or (14) is that set of xk for which E is a minimum. To get an interpretation of v, we may multiply both sides by $[1 \quad x_1 \quad x_2]$, getting  
v \eq [1 \quad x_1 \quad x_2] 
\; \left[ 
 1 \\  
 x_1 \\  
 x_2 \end{array} \right]\end{displaymath} (15)

Comparing (15) with (7), we see that v is the minimum value of E.

Occasionally, it is more convenient to have the essential equations in partitioned matrix form. In partitioned matrix form, we have for the error (6)  

E \eq [1 \ \vdots \ {\bf x}]^T 
 ...1 \\  \hbox to 0.25in{\dotfill} \\  {\bf x} \end{array} \right]\end{displaymath} (16)
The final equation (14) splits into
V &= & {\bf c}^T{\bf c} - {\bf c}^T {\bf Ax}
\\ {\bf 0} &= & -{\bf A}^T {\bf c} + {\bf A}^T {\bf Ax}\end{eqnarray} (17)
where (18) represents simultaneous equations to be solved for x. Equation (18) is what you have to set up in a computer. It is easily remembered by a quick and dirty (very dirty) derivation. That is, we began with the overdetermined equations ${\bf Ax} \approx {\bf c}$;premultiplying by ${\bf A}^T$ gives $({\bf A}^T {\bf A}) {\bf x} = {\bf A}^T {\bf c}$ which is (18).

In physical science applications, the variable zj is frequently a complex variable, say zj = xj + iyj. It is always possible to go through the foregoing analyses, treating the problem as though xi and yi were real independent variables. There is a considerable gain in simplicity and a saving in computational effort by treating zj as a single complex variable. The error E may be regarded as a function of either xj and yj or zj and $\overline{z}_j$. In general $j = 1,\, 2, \, \ldots , \, N,$ but we will treat the case N = 1 here and leave the general case for the Exercises. The minimum is found where

0 &= & {dE \over dx} 
\eq {\partial E \over \partial z} {dz \ov... \partial z} 
- {\partial E \over \partial \overline{z}} \right)\end{eqnarray} (19)
Multiplying (20) by i and adding and subtracting these equations, we may express the minimum condition more simply as
0 &= & {\partial E \over \partial z}
\\ 0 &= & {\partial E \over \partial \overline{z}}\end{eqnarray} (21)

However, the usual case is that E is a positive real quadratic function of z and $\overline{z}$ and that $\partial E/\partial z$ is merely the complex conjugate of $\partial E/\partial \overline{z}$. Then the two conditions (21) and (22) may be replaced by either one of them. Usually, when working with complex variables we are minimizing a positive quadratic form like  

E(z^*, z) \eq \vert{\bf Az} - {\bf c}\vert^2 \eq ({\bf z}^* {\bf A}^* - {\bf c}^*)
({\bf Az} - {\bf c})\end{displaymath} (23)
where * denotes complex-conjugate transpose. Now (22) gives  
0 \eq {\partial E \over \partial z^*} \eq
{\bf A}^* ({\bf Az} - {\bf c})\end{displaymath} (24)
which is just the complex form of (18).

Let us consider an example. Suppose a set of wave arrival times ti is measured at sensors located on the x axis at points xi. Suppose the wavefront is to be fitted to a parabola $t_i \approx a + bx_i + {cx_i}^2$.Here, the xi are knowns and a, b, and c are unknowns. For each sensor i we have an equation  

 \begin{displaymath}[-t_i\quad 1 \quad x_i \quad {x_i}^2]
\; \left[
 a \\  
 b \\  
 c \end{array} \right] 
\quad\approx\quad 0\end{displaymath} (25)
When i has greater range than 3 we have more equations than unknowns. In this example, (14) takes the form  
\left\{ \sum^n_{i = 1} 
 \left[ \begin{array}
 -t_i \\  ...
 v \\  
 0 \\  
 0 \\  
 0 \end{array} \right]\end{displaymath} (26)
This may be solved by standard methods for a, b, and c.

The last three rows of (26) may be written  

\sum^n_{i = 1} 
 \left[ \begin{array}
 1 \\  
 x_i \\  
 0 \\  
 0 \\  
 0 \end{array} \right]\end{displaymath} (27)