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Thank you for visiting our site! You landed on this page because you entered a search term similar to this: solve non homogeneous first order partial differential equation. We have an extensive database of resources on solve non homogeneous first order partial differential equation. Below is one of them. If you need further help, please take a look at our software "Algebrator", a software program that can solve any algebra problem you enter!

Math 553 Partial Differential Equations
Prof. Robert G. Muncaster

Checklist for the Final Examination

The final exam will be 3 hrs in class, comprehensive, and closed book.

First Order Equations

  • integral surfaces and the method of characteristics for quasi-linear equations
    • practical use of the method
    • the Cauchy problem for a first order equation and existence and uniqueness results that go along with it (via the method of characteristics)
  • projected characteristics for semi-linear equations
  • weak solutions for conservation laws
    • the general definition of weak solutions for conservation laws and "weak solution + smoothness => classical solution"
    • the notion of shock lines or shock solutions and how to find them
    • fan or rarefaction solutions and how they fit in with the method of characteristics
  • connection between (projected) characteristics and being able to solve for all 1st derivatives for semi-linear equations

General Properties of Higher Order Equations

  • connection between (projected) characteristics and being able to solve for all 2nd derivatives for semi-linear equations
  • classification of 2nd order equations by characteristics
  • switching to canonical variables, and the canonical forms of hyperbolic, elliptic, and parabolic equations
  • the Cauchy problem for a higher-order equations and the Cauchy-Kowalevski Theorem
  • the concept of a well posed problem (in the sense of Hadamard)
  • transforming a higher order equation into a first order system
  • characteristics for a 1st order linear system and how they are related to the eigenvalue problem for the matrices in the equation
  • diagonalizing a system
  • Duhamel's principle and how is it used to solve non-homogeneous 1st and 2nd order equations

Theory of Weak Solutions

  • be familiar with multi-index notation
  • know what the adjoint operator L' is for an operator L and how it comes into the definition that an L1loc function u is a weak solution of a PDE
  • be familiar with some practical examples of verifying that a given function u is a weak solution of a given equation
  • know the theorem that says that a smooth function that is a weak solution is also a classical solution
  • know what is meant by "transmission conditions" for weak solutions of a PDE

Theory of Distributions

  • definition of a test function and a distribution plus related concepts such as compact support
  • basic examples of distributions
  • definitions of properties of distributions (mult'n by a function, derivatives, convolutions) and how they are motivated using distributions that come from L1loc functions
  • deriving properties of distributions (i.e. product rule for derivatives, etc.) from the definitions and corresponding properties for test functions
  • methods for finding fundamental solutions of ODEs
  • finding solutions of non-homogeneous equations using fundamental solutions
  • the connection between distributional solutions and weak solutions
  • finding distributional solutions, or verifying that a distributions satisfies a PDE

The Wave Equation

  • D'Alembert's solution and its derivation
  • the parallelogram rule and how it arises and how it is used in solving boundary value problems
  • spherical means and their use in transforming the wave equation in n spatial dimensions into an equation in 1 spatial dimension (in the variable r)
  • domain of dependence of a point (x,t), range of influence of a point x, and how these relate to the concepts of sharp and non-sharp signals
  • conservation of energy for a wave problem, and how this is related to proofs of uniqueness for wave problems

Laplace's Equation

  • compatibility condition for Neumann data
  • uniqueness results for smooth solutions of the Dirichlet and Neumann problems (via Green's identities)
  • the mean value property
  • the Maximum Principle and its use in establishing uniqueness and continuous dependence
  • the fundamental integral identity for C2 functions and how it can be used to solve Dirichlet and Neumann problems for a region in terms of a Green's function.
  • what is the fundamental solution for the Laplacian with Dirichlet data
  • the method of reflection points for finding a Green's function
  • eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for the Laplacian (with Dirichlet data) and how they can be used to solve initial boundary value problems on bounded domains

Heat Equation and Fourier Transforms

  • definition and properties of the Fourier transform and definition of the Schwartz space of functions
  • theorems about convolutions and the inversion theorem, as they relate to the Schwartz space
  • use of Fourier transforms in solving problems with spatial variables in Rn
  • derivation of the heat kernel representation of the solution of the heat equation in Rn
  • maximum principle for the heat equation and its use in establishing uniqueness for problems with data on a parabolic boundary
  • statement of the theorem on smoothness for solutions of the heat equation