Thank you for visiting our site! You landed on this page because you entered a search term similar to this: how to solve a 2nd order differential equations. We have an extensive database of resources on how to solve a 2nd order differential equations. Below is one of them. If you need further help, please take a look at our software "Algebrator", a software program that can solve any algebra problem you enter!
MA2051 - Ordinary Differential Equations
Matlab - Solve a second-order equation numerically
Start by reading the instructions in wrk4 (or wheun or weuler); just type help wrk4 and focus on the last part of the help. Here is how it goes. To solve

In vector notation, this system has the form
Now use an editor to create a M-file named frcdsprg.m for this
vector system :
% frcdsprg.m - new version % x'' + 2x' + x = sin( 0.9 t ) written as the system % x' = v, v' = -x - 2v + sin( 0.9 t) % y(1) is x, y(2) is v. function yprime = frcdsprg( t, y ) yprime(1) = y(2); % x' = v in terms of y's yprime(2) = -y(1) - 2*y(2) + sin( 0.9*t ); % v' = -x ... in terms of y's
The following sequence of commands will solve this system
with initial conditions x(0) = 1, v(0) = 2
for .
y0 = [1; 2]; [t, y] = wrk4( 'frcdsprg', 0, 30, y0, 0.2 );The plot that appears is the graph of the approximate solution curve x(t) for

Type [t,y] (without a semicolon). Three columns of numbers will fly by; the first column is t, the second column is y(1) = x(t), and the third column is y(2) = v(t). In the above instructions, notice that you are solving both of the first-order equations at the same time. The initial data is specified in y0 = [1;2], and the time step by 0.2.
The following commands will plot x(t) and v(t) again st t and annotate the plot:
plot(t,y(:,1),'-'); % plots x(t) with lines hold on; % holds the old plot plot(t,y(:,2),'.'); % plots v(t) with dots title(' x" + 2 x'' + x = sin(0.9 t) '); % adds a title ('' prints as ') xlabel(' time '); ylabel(' position and velocity '); % label the axes text(15,1.0,' ... velocity '); % put text at (15,1.0) text(15,1.5,' --- position '); % put text at (15,1.5)
Note that y(:,1) refers to the first column of y (which is
x(t)) and y(:,2) refers to the second column of y (which
is ). To make a new plot, type hold off.
The following commands will plot v(t) against x(t) (instead of t), producing a phase plane plot of this nonautonomous system:
plot(y(:,1),y(:,2),'.'); % plots x and v title(' Phase Plane: x" + 2 x'' + x = sin(0.9 t) '); % adds a title xlabel(' position '); ylabel(' velocity '); % label the axes
To control the axis limits, type axis( [ -0.75 1 -1 1.5] ); the graph will show ``x'' values from -0.75 to 1 and ``y'' values from - 1 to 1.5. Type help axis for more information.
Alternatively, to get a phase plane plot directly for an autonomous system, type pplane and enter your equations into the text box that appears.
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