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Thank you for visiting our site! You landed on this page because you entered a search term similar to this: practice worksheets on adding, subtracting,multiplying,and dividing decimals. for 6th grade, here's the result:  

Week of October 17 to 21
6th grade math—1st and 2nd hours
PASS objectives addressed this week:
1.1: 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: 2.4
Monday: Chapter 5, lesson 1, workbook page 34—multiplying fractions
Tuesday: Chapter 5, lesson 2, workbook page 35—multiplying mixed numbers
Wednesday: Chapter 5, lesson 3, workbook 36—dividing fractions and mixed numbers
Thursday: FALL BREAK

5th grade Math—3rd and 5th hours
PASS objectives addressed this week:
5.1 a, b, c
Monday: Chapter 7, lesson 1, patterns in multiples—workbook page 34
Tuesday: Chapter 7, lesson 2, multiply by 1 digit numbers—workbook page 35
Wednesday: Chapter 7, lesson 3, multiply by 2 digit numbers—workbook page 36
Thursday: FALL BREAK

6th hour 6th grade Geography:
Monday: all class goes to the library
Wednesday: Counseling
Thursday: FALL BREAK

6th grade Language/spelling—7th hour
PASS objectives: 3: 1, 2, & 3: 1:1, 2
Monday: Penmanship pages 16 and 17, spelling unit # 9, 56-57
Tuesday: Penmanship 18 and 19, spelling pages 58-59
Wednesday: Penmanship 20-21, spelling pages 60-61
Thursday: FALL BREAK



Week of October 10 to 14
6th grade math—1st and 2nd hours
PASS objectives addressed this week:
1.1: 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: 2.5
Monday: Chapter 4, lesson 7, workbook page 31—mixed numbers/improper fractions
Tuesday: Chapter 4, lesson 8, workbook page 32—add and subtract like fractions
Wednesday: Chapter 4, lesson 9, workbook 33—multiply fractions by whole numbers
Thursday: Chapter 4, review
Friday: chapter 4, Test

5th grade Math—3rd and 5th hours
PASS objectives addressed this week:
5.1 a, b, c
Monday: Chapter 6, lesson 1, graphing—workbook page 28
Tuesday: Chapter 6, lesson 2, graphing ordered pairs—workbook page 29
Wednesday: Chapter 6, lesson 3, line graphs—workbook page 30
Thursday: Chapter 6, lessons 4 and 5, draw diagrams & histograms, workbook page 32
Friday: Chapter 6, lesson 6, workbook page 33

6th hour 6th grade Geography:
Monday: Library
Tuesday: North America, Rainy East, lessons 5a-5d worksheets 57-60
Wednesday: Counseling
Thursday: North America, Waterways, 6a-6d, worksheets 61-64
Friday: North America, Exploring Land and Water, 7a-7d, worksheets 65-68

6th grade Language/spelling—7th hour
PASS objectives: 3: 1, 2, & 3: 1:1, 2
Monday: Penmanship pages 14-15, spelling unit #8, workbook pages 50-51, language: lesson 25
Tuesday: Language: finish lesson 25, spelling pages 52-53
Wednesday: Language: lesson 26, unit 1, group 5 test--student page 7spelling pages 54-55
Thursday: Fundraiser assembly
Friday: Language: lesson 27, teacher’s manual 117, grade group 5 tests, spelling test for unit #8, use sentences found on page 52 in teacher’s manual


Weekof October 3 to 7
6th grade math—1st and 2nd hours
PASS objectives addressed this week:
1.1: 2.1: 2.2: 2.3; 2.5;
Monday: Chapter 4, lesson 2, workbook page 26—factors and prime factorization
Tuesday: Chapter 4, lesson 3, workbook page 27—greatest common factor
Wednesday: Chapter 4, lesson 4, workbook 28—decimals and fractions
Thursday: Chapter 4, lesson 5, workbook 29—equivalent fractions and mixed numbers
Friday: Begin chapter 4, lesson 6, workbook page 30--compare and order fractions

5th grade Math—3rd and 5th hours
PASS objectives addressed this week:
5.1 a, d, e
Monday: Chapter 5, lesson 3, median and mode—workbook page 25
Tuesday: Chapter 5, lesson 4, make a graph—workbook page 26
Wednesday: Chapter 5, lesson 5, analyze graphs—workbook page 27
Thursday: Chapter 5, review
Friday: Chapter 5, test

6th hour 6th grade Geography:
Monday: all class goes to the library
Tuesday: North America, exploring land and water, 2c-2d, pages 47-48
Wednesday: Counseling—students go to Ms Chilton for the class period (please walk them to her room in the front hall by the ‘Board Room’)
Thursday: North America, countries and cities, 3a-3d, pages 49-52
Friday: North America, dry west, 4a-4d, pages 53-56

6th grade Language/spelling—7th hour
Monday: Language: lesson 22, teacher’s manual pages 95-98, spelling unit #7, pages 44-45
Tuesday: Language: lesson 22, teacher’s manual pages 99-102, spelling pages 46-47
Wednesday: Language: lesson 23, teacher’s manual pages 103-104, group 4 test page 6, spelling pages 48-49
Thursday: Language: lesson 24, teacher’s manual page 106, check group 4 test
Friday: Penmanship pages 12 and 13 spelling test #7

Week of September 26-30
6th grade math—1st and 2nd hours
PASS objectives addressed this week:
1.2; 2.3; 2.4; 4.2; 4.3
Monday: Chapter 3, lesson 9, workbook page 23—interpreting the quotient
Tuesday: Chapter 3, lesson 10, workbook page 24—decimal equations
Wednesday: Chapter 3, review
Thursday: Chapter 3, test
Friday: Begin chapter 4, lesson 1, divisibility rules

5th grade Math—3rd and 5th hours
PASS objectives addressed this week:
1.1; 1.2; 2.2a
Monday: Chapter 4, lesson 6, writing equations—workbook page 22
Tuesday: Chapter 4, review
Wednesday: Chapter 4, test
Thursday: Chapter 5, lesson 1, collect and organize data—workbook page 23
Friday: Chapter 5, lesson 2, find the mean—workbook page 24

6th hour 6th grade Geography:
Monday: Library
Tuesday: The World, reviewing the world, 7a-7b, pages 33-34
Wednesday: Counseling
Thursday: North America, introducing North America, 1a-1b, pages 43-44
Friday: North America, exploring land and water, 2a-2b, pages 45-46

6th grade Language/spelling—7th hour
Monday: Language: lesson 18, teacher’s manual pages 81, spelling unit #6, pages 38-39
Tuesday: Language: lesson 19, teacher’s manual pages 82-86, spelling pages 40-41
Wednesday: Language: lesson 19, teacher’s manual pages 87-89, Group 3 sentences test, spelling pages 42-43
Thursday: Language: lesson 20, teacher’s manual pages 90-92, group 3 test,
Friday: Language: lesson 21, teacher’s manual pages 93-94, spelling test #6


Week of September 19-23
6th grade math—1st and 2nd hours
PASS objectives addressed this week:
1.2; 2.3; 2.4; 4.2; 4.3
Monday: Chapter 3, lesson 5, workbook page 19—scientific notation
Tuesday: Chapter 3, lesson 6, workbook page 20—multiplying decimals
Wednesday: Chapter 3, lesson 7, workbook page 21—divide decimals by whole numbers
Thursday: Chapter 3, lesson 8, workbook page 22—divide by decimals
Friday: No class Friday----parent/teacher conferences

5th grade Math—3rd and 5th hours
PASS objectives addressed this week:
1.1; 1.2; 2.2a
Monday: Chapter 4, lesson 2, writing equations—workbook page 18
Tuesday: Chapter 4, lesson 3, solving equations—workbook page 19
Wednesday, Chapter 4, lesson 4, inequalities—workbook page 20
Thursday, Chapter 4, lesson 5, using properties—workbook page 21
Friday, No class Friday----parent/teacher conferences

6th hour 6th grade Geography:
Monday: Library
Tuesday: The World, looking at population, 5a-5b, pages 27-28
Wednesday: Counseling
Thursday: The World, polar regions, 6a-6d, pages 29-32
Friday: No class Friday----parent/teacher conferences

6th grade Language/spelling—7th hour
Monday: Language: lesson 15, teacher’s manual pages 65-67, spelling unit #5, pages 32-33
Tuesday: Language: lesson 16, teacher’s manual pages 68-76, spelling pages 34-35
Wednesday: Language: lesson 16, teacher’s manual pages 73-76, Group 2 sentences, spelling pages 36-37
Thursday: Language: lesson 17, teacher’s manual pages 77-80, group 2 test, spelling test unit #5
Friday: No class Friday----parent/teacher conferences


Week of September 12 to 16
6th grade math—1st and 2nd hours
Monday: Chapter 2, lesson 7, workbook page 14—solving division equations
Tuesday: we will take the chapter 2 test today
Wednesday: Chapter 3, lesson 1, workbook page 15—ordering decimals
Thursday: Chapter 3, lesson 3, workbook page 17—add and subtract decimals
Friday: Chapter 3, lesson 4, workbook page 18—decimals and metric measurement

5th grade Math—3rd and 5th hours
PASS objectives addressed this week:
2.1. a,b and 5.1.a

Monday: Chapter 3, lesson 6, Choose a Method, workbook page 15
Tuesday: Chapter 3, lesson 7, Logical Reasoning, workbook page16
Wednesday: Chapter 3 review
Thursday: Chapter 3 TEST

Friday: begin chapter 4

6th hour 6th grade Geography:
Monday: all class goes to the library
Tuesday: The World, lessons 3c and 3d (exploring land and water), worksheets 21-22
Wednesday: Counseling—students go to Ms Chilton for the class period (please walk them to her room in the front hall by the ‘Board Room’)
Thursday: The World, lessons 4a and 4b (climate and latitude), worksheets 23 and 24
Friday: 6th and 7th hours will be working on a fall art project

6th grade Language/spelling—7th hour
Monday: Language: Lesson 12—group 1 TEST Spelling: unit #4, pages 26-27
Tuesday: Language: Lesson 13—check group 1 TEST/spelling pages 28-29
Wednesday: Language: Lesson 14—practice and improved sentences/spelling pages 30-31
Thursday: Catch up day for Language—spelling test for unit 4—penmanship pages 10-11
Friday: 6th and 7th hours will be working on a fall art project




Week of September 5-9

6th grade math—1st and 2nd hours

PASS objectives addressed this week:

1.1 and 1.2
Monday: Labor Day
Tuesday: Chapter 2, lesson 3, equations and their solutions, workbook page 10
Wednesday: Chapter 2, lesson 4, solving addition equations, workbook page 11
Thursday: Chapter 2, lesson 5—Solving subtraction equations—workbook page 12
Friday: Chapter 2, lesson 6—solving multiplication equations—workbook page 13

5th grade Math—3rd and 5th hours
PASS objectives addressed this week:
2.1.a,b and 5.1.a

Monday: Labor Day
Tuesday: Chapter 3, lesson 1, Rounding whole numbers, workbook page 10
Wednesday: Chapter 3, lesson 2, rounding decimals, workbook page 11
Thursday: Chapter 3, lesson 4, adding and subtracting whole numbers, workbook page 13
Friday: Chapter 3, lesson 5, Adding and subtracting decimals, workbook page 14

6th hour 6th grade Geography:
Monday: Labor Day
Tuesday: The World, lessons 2c and 2d, worksheets 17 and 18
Wednesday: Counseling—students go to Ms Chilton for the class period (please walk them to her room in the front hall by the ‘Board Room’)
Thursday: The World, lessons 3a and 3b, worksheets 19 and 20
Friday: Catch up day--SSR

6th grade Language—7th hour
Monday: Labor Day
Tuesday: Lesson 9 and spelling lesson #3, pages 20-21in workbook
Wednesday: Lesson 10, spelling #3, pages 22-23 in workbook
Thursday: Lesson 11, spelling #3, pages 24-25 in workbook
Friday: Spelling Test over unit #3 and Handwriting pages 8 and 9




I hope you had a terrific summer! I'm looking forward to a wonderful school year.

Week of August 29 to September 2

6th grade Math:
PASS objectives addressed this week:
1.1, 1.2, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6

Monday: We will complete chapter one lesson 7 today
Tuesday: we will take the chapter test today
Wednesday: Chapter 2, Are You Ready, page47
Thursday: Chapter 2, lesson 1—Variables, pages 48-51—workbook page 8
Friday: Chapter 2, lesson 2—translate between words and math, pages 52-55—workbook page 9

5th grade Math:
PASS objectives addressed this week:
2.1.a,b and 5.1.a

Monday: Chapter 2, lesson 1, Decimal Place Value, workbook page 6
Tuesday: Chapter 2, lesson 2, Equivalent Decimals, workbook page 7
Wednesday, Chapter 2, lesson 3, Comparing Decimals, workbook page 8
Thursday, Chapter 2, lesson 4, Drawing Conclusions, workbook page 9
Friday, Chapter 2 TEST----open book

6th grade Language
Monday: Lesson 8
Tuesday: Lesson 9
Wednesday: Lesson 10
Thursday: Lesson 11
Friday: Catch Up Day

Again, Welcome Back to School!