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Resourcesof Physical Problems

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Chemical Engineering  Ascale to measure oil in a tank
Civil Engineering

Asagging bookshelves!

Computer Engineering Divideunit missing in a supercomputer?
Electrical Engineering Checkingcalibration curve of a thermistor
General Engineering Howmuch of the float is submerged?
Industrial Engineering Momand Pop shop wants to break even
Mechanical Engineering  Trunnioncool down for a shrink fit
Simultaneous Linear Equations
Chemical Engineering  Liquid-Liquid extraction
Civil Engineering How much pressure can a compounded cylinder take?
Computer Engineering  To infer the surface shape from images
Electrical Engineering Finding the unbalance in a 3-phase load system
General Engineering Finding the velocity profile of a rocket
Industrial Engineering Maximizing the production schedule
Mechanical Engineering Find constants of a regression model for coefficient of thermal expansion vs temperature.
Chemical Engineering  Teatime: time needed to boil the water
Civil Engineering

Tips onbass fishing

Computer Engineering Shortand smoothest path for a robot
Electrical Engineering Measuringtemperature by a thermistor
General Engineering Predictvelocity of a rocket
Industrial Engineering Profilinga cam
Mechanical Engineering Calculatingthe shrinkage of a trunnion correctly
Chemical Engineering  Infrared spectroscopy
Civil Engineering Finding the longitudinal Young's moduli of a composite materials?
Computer Engineering Extraction of road networks in images by function fitting
Electrical Engineering Finding the appropriate value for the resistance of a resistor.
General Engineering Finding the best mousetrap for a mousetrap car
Industrial Engineering When should the machine be stopped?
Mechanical Engineering  Finding a regression model for calculating the contraction of a trunnion immersed in liquid nitrogen?
Chemical Engineering  Time required for oxygen to be consumed in the fuel cell
Civil Engineering Is the toxicity level of benzene dangerous?
Computer Engineering To infer the surfaces from vector fields
Electrical Engineering Confidence in acceptable circuit behavior with variation in components?
General Engineering Distance covered by a rocket
Industrial Engineering Are there as many plies of tissue paper in a roll?
Mechanical Engineering  Finding the shrinkage of a trunnion?
Ordinary Differential Equations
Chemical Engineering  Controlling sodium chloride waste while making soap.
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering Sizing a rectifier-based power supply
General Engineering How much time will it take the ball to cool down?
Industrial Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Contracting a cylinder to shrink fit in to a hub

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Committed to bringing numerical methods to undergraduates



Quest for cubic equation solution[]



History of Interpolation [PDF][DOC] 

Dangers of extrapolation through NASDAQ, []

Higher order interpolation is a bad idea []

Comparison of spline & polynomial interpolation []

Choice of points of interpolation affects approximations []

Splines help in developing a shorter path for a robot []


What is integration? [PDF] [DOC]

A Primer on Integral Calculus [PDF] [DOC]

Integrating discrete function  [] [PDF]

Integrating improper integrals  [] [PDF]

Newton []

Copyrights:University of South Florida, 4202 E Fowler Ave, Tampa, FL 33620-5350.

AllRights Reserved.

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Committed to bringing numerical methods to undergraduates




Background []

Bisection Method []

Newton-Raphson Method []

Secant Method []


Background []

Direct Method []

Newton's Divided Difference Method []

Lagrange Method []

Spline Method []


Background [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]

Trapezoidal method [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]

Simpson's 1/3rd Rule method [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]

Romberg method [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]

Gauss-Quadrature method [HTML] [PDF] [DOC]


Copyrights:University of South Florida, 4202 E Fowler Ave, Tampa, FL 33620-5350.

AllRights Reserved.

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Committed to bringing numerical methods to undergraduates



Assessment of A Web-Enhanced Course In Numerical Methods

Techniques Employed Engineering Educators

Holistic but Customized Resources for a Course in Numerical Methods (Abstract,Full Paper)

On Comparing Computational Systems - Maple, Mathcad, Mathematica & Matlab (Abstract) 

Web-Based Resources for a Course in Numerical Methods: .

Seven Traits of Highly Effective EngineeringEducators: .

Using Bloom'sTaxonomy to Develop Exam Questions:

Introduction to Matrix Algebra: download book[PDF].

Holistic Numerical Methods -  A Prototype: .

Holistic Numerical Methods -  A Customized Approach: .

Memoto students who made a bad grade in the last test: