Thank you for visiting our site! You landed on this page because you entered a search term similar to this: quadratic equation extracting square root.We have an extensive database of resources on quadratic equation extracting square root. Below is one of them. If you need further help, please take a look at our software "Algebrator", a software program that can solve any algebra problem you enter!
Understandthe Cartesian coordinatesystem and the idea oflocating ordered pairs of numbers.
Knowand use the mid-point and distance formulas to solve real worldproblems.
Knowhow to graph relations in the coordinate plane.
Find domainand range of a relation from a list or ordered pairs, graph or atable of values.
Recognizeand evaluate basic features of a graph of a relation.
Producegraphs of simple relations using tables.
Findthe x and y-intercepts of the graph of an equation(algebraically and graphically)
Determinethe symmetry of the graph of an equation (algebraically andgraphically)
Writethe General Form Equation of a circle in Standard Form and determinethe center and radius of the circle
BasicFeatures of a Graph
domainand restricted values
x and y intercepts
intervalswhere a graph is constant, increasing or decreasing
LinearEquations and Inequalities
Solvelinear equations algebraically and graphically.
Deal withfractional coefficients in equations.
Solve equationsinvolving absolute value algebraically.
Solve aformula for a given variable.
Solve wordproblems by setting up and solving a linear equation in onevariable.
Solve linearinequalities in one variable including compound inequalitiesand inequalities involving absolute value algebraically.
Represent(graph or plot) solution sets of inequalities on the number line.
Solvequadratic equations by a variety of methods.
Use thediscriminant to understand when a quadratic has no, one or two realroots algebraically.
Solvesimple word problems using quadratic equations
Constructand use a quadratic model to solve an application problem
Methodsof Solving Quadratics
Byfactoring and Using Zero Factor Property when possible.
By extracting square roots
By completing the square
Usingthe Quadratic formula
Polynomials andPolynomial Expressions
Performbasic operations with polynomials (add, subtract, multiplyincluding FOIL)
Useformulas for these special products:
Factorpolynomials by factoring out the Greatest Common Factor,by grouping, and by using special products formulas for trinomials
Factorsimple trinomials of form a x2 + b x +c by guess-and-check or by grouping
Solvesimple equations using the Zero Factor Propertywhen possible.
Solvepolynomial inequalities (degree > 1)
The Specialproducts:
(a+ b)2
(a- b)2
(a+ b)(a - b)
SolvingNon-linear Inequalities
Use critical numbers todetermine test intervals for a polynomial inequality
Solve a polynomialinequality algebraically and graphically
Construct and use apolynomial inequality to solve an application problem
Rational Expressions
Know how todecide the domain of a rational expressions. (Decide what values areexcluded by the denominator.)