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Applied Math I - Tool

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Western Wisconsin Technical College


Warren Wolf

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Todd Shaw

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Instructional Level

One-Year Technical Diploma

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General Education



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 Classroom Presentation 54 20 2


Essentials of arithmetic, measurement, proportions, and algebra as applied to the Machine Tool area. These essentials include: fractional and decimal computation, order of operations, measurement topics, unit conversion, ratios, proportions, types of variation, and basic algebra with equations and formulas.


  1. Basic arithmetic skills with whole numbers.
  2. Working knowledge of arithmetic operations involving fractions and decimals.


  1. The student will develop techniques needed for technical problem solving in the Machine Tool area.


  1. Robert Smith   Mathematics for Machine Technology   4th   Delmar Publisher  1999
    This textbook is required ISBN #:1401815812

Core Abilities

  • Demonstrate effective reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills
  • Demonstrate mathematical skills
  • Apply scientific concepts
  • Identify and solve problems, applying knowledge in a critical, creative, and ethical manner
  • Recognize the value of self and others in order to be a productive member of a diverse global society
  • Evaluate and use information technology effectively




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Phone:608-785-9200 or 1-800-322-9982
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