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Thank you for visiting our site! You landed on this page because you entered a search term similar to this: convert decimal to fraction - formula.We have an extensive database of resources on convert decimal to fraction - formula. Below is one of them. If you need further help, please take a look at our software "Algebrator", a software program that can solve any algebra problem you enter!  
If you need help in preparing for the math part of the GREgeneraltest, you have come to the right place.  Note that you do not haveto be a student at WTAMU tousethis study session.  It was created as a service to anyone whoneedshelp getting ready for this test.

If this is your first visit to our website, please read the disclaimer.

The math part of the GRE General Test is split into four mainareas:

Below are the specific concepts you need to know about each of thoseareas.  This list was compiled from researching the MathReview for Practicing to Take the GRE General Test (youneedacrobat Reader to download)  webpage at the official GREwebsite created by the Educational Testing Services.

Under each specific concept, you will find links to in-depthtutorialsthat will help learn and review the material.  These tutorialscomefrom the WTAMU Virtual Math Lab, which Icreated.  Within these tutorials, you will find pertinentdefinitions,formulas, step-by-step explanations, an answer/discussion section withstep-by-step solutions, and links to other credible webpages that canhelpyou further with that topic.

In math, when you study a specific topic, a lot of times youare incorporatingother mathematical topics into solving the problem.  Some of thetutorialswill overlap each other.  This will help reinforce the conceptsyouneed to know for the GRE.


Under the areas,you need to go to all the links that are under each topic togetthe full benefit. 

Under the algebra area,there is a lotof overlapping between the different levels (beginning, intermediate,andcollege) of tutorials.  Find the algebra level that agreeswithyou most and do all of the tutorials under that level.  If youstart below college level algebra, make sure that you make your wayup through college algebra before you take the GRE general test.

When you are done with a tutorial, you can come backto this webpageby clicking on the back arrow link marked GRE Math Help Page found onthetop left corner of the tutorial page OR clicking on the back arrow onthetop left of your Internet window until you are back to this page.



The first area that we will be looking at isarithmetic.  Youknow, fun things like making sure you have the negative in the rightplaceand remembering when you have to find the common denominator of yourfractions. Don't worry, I have the utmost confidence that youwill do much better with arithmetic than Calvin.

You need to go to all the links that are under each topic forarithmetic to get the full benefit. 

The arithmetic area covers:



Integers, Ordering and the RealNumber Line, AbsoluteValue, Fractions, and Decimals

BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 2: Symbolsand Sets of Numbers

This tutorial covers:
  • sets
  • elements
  • equal and inequality signs
  • various sets of numbers
    •  including integers and real numbers
  • Order Property for Real Numbers
  • absolute value of a number 

IntermediateAlgebra Tutorial 3: Setsof Numbers

This tutorial covers:

BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 3: Fractions

This tutorial covers:
  • numerators and denominators of a fraction
  • the prime factorization of a number
  • simplifying a fraction
  • finding the least common denominator of given fractions
  • multiplying, dividing, adding and subtracting fractions

BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 5: AddingReal Numbers

This tutorial covers:
  • adding real numbers
  • finding the additive inverse or the opposite of a number
Keep in mind that real numbers include integers, fractions and decimalsas well as other types of numbers.

BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 6: SubtractingReal Numbers

This tutorial covers:
  • subtracting real numbers
Keep in mind that real numbers include integers, fractions and decimalsas well as other types of numbers. 

BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 7: Multiplyingand Dividing Real Numbers

This tutorial covers:
  • finding the reciprocal of a number
  • multiplying and dividing real numbers
  • multiplying by zero
  • the fact that dividing by zero is undefined
Keep in mind that real numbers include integers, fractions and decimalsas well as other types of numbers.


Exponents and Square Roots

IntermediateAlgebra Tutorial 4: Operationson Real Numbers

This tutorial covers:
  • adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing real numbers
  • evaluating a numeric exponential expression
  • evaluating a numeric radical expression
  • using the order of operations appropriately
This is a good tutorial to reviewthe topics coveredabove as well as teaching you about exponents and square roots.



BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 16: Percentand Problem Solving

This tutorial covers:
  • converting percents into decimal numbers
  • converting decimal numbers into percents
  • solving word problems involving percents 
  • pie charts with percents
  • tables with percents




It's back!!!!!!   Just when you thought itwas safe to comeback to school, POW, another math test with ALGEBRA!!!  I'm hopingthat with this section of tutorials, Iwill convert some of you who are math atheists (you know who you are).

Note that most of the topics under Algebra contain tutorials from threelevels (lowest to highest): beginning, intermediate, and college. 

Ideally, for the Algebra section, you want to be ableto work thecollege level by the time you take the GRE test. 

There will be some overlapping between the levels. If a topichas tutorials in more than one level, try going under the highest levelfirst.  If that is too hard for you, go to the tutorials of thenextlevel down, if available.  If that is too hard for you, go to thetutorials of the next level down, if available. 

Once you find a level to start with, make sure thatif it is belowcollege level, in the end you work your way up to college algebra. 

The beauty of this is it is individualized. You can goat your own pace at the comfort of your own computer.  Youknowbetter than anyone else what your algebra skills are. 

The algebra area covers:


Operations with 
Algebraic Expressions

BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 11: SimplifyingAlgebraic Expressions

This tutorial covers:
  • combining like terms
  • simplifying an expression using distributive property

BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 27: Addingand Subtracting Polynomials

This tutorial covers:
  • identifying a term, coefficient, constant term, and polynomial
  • telling the difference between a monomial, binomial, and trinomial
  • finding the degree of a term and polynomial
  • combining like terms
  • adding and subtracting polynomials 

BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 28: MultiplyingPolynomials

This tutorial covers:
  • multiplying any polynomial times any other polynomial
  • using the FOIL method to multiply a binomial times a binomial

IntermediateAlgebra Tutorial 25: Polynomialsand Polynomial Functions

This tutorial covers:
  • identifying a term, coefficient, constant term, and polynomial
  • telling the difference between a monomial, binomial, and trinomial
  • finding the degree of a term and polynomial
  • evaluating a polynomial function
  • combine like terms
  • adding and subtracting polynomials 

IntermediateAlgebra Tutorial 26: MultiplyingPolynomials

This tutorial covers:
  • multiplying any polynomial times any other polynomial
  • using the FOIL method to multiply a binomial times a binomial
  • using special product rules to multiply a binomial squared and aproductof a sum and difference of two terms 

College AlgebraTutorial 6:  Polynomials

This tutorial covers:
  • identifying a term, coefficient, constant term, and polynomial
  • telling the difference between a monomial, binomial, and trinomial
  • finding the degree of a term and polynomial
  • evaluating a polynomial function
  • combining like terms
  • adding and subtract polynomials
  • multiplying any polynomial times any other polynomial
  • using the FOIL method to multiply a binomial times a binomial
  • using special product rules to multiply a binomial squared and aproductof a sum and difference of two terms 



IntermediateAlgebra Tutorial 27:  TheGCF and Factoring by Grouping

This tutorial covers:
  • finding the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of a polynomial
  • factoring out the GCF of a polynomial
  • factoring a polynomial with four terms by grouping 

IntermediateAlgebra Tutorial 28: FactoringTrinomials

This tutorial covers:
  • factoring trinomials
  • factoring using substitution
  • indicating if a polynomial is a prime polynomial 

IntermediateAlgebra Tutorial 29: FactoringSpecial Products

This tutorial covers:
  • factoring a perfect square trinomial
  • factoring a difference of squares
  • factoring a sum or difference of cubes
  • applying the factoring strategy to factor a polynomial completely 

CollegeAlgebraTutorial 7: FactoringPolynomials

This tutorial covers:
  • finding the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of a polynomial
  • factoring out the GCF of a polynomial
  • factoring a polynomial with four terms by grouping
  • factoring a trinomial
  • indicating if a polynomial is a prime polynomial
  • factoring a perfect square trinomial
  • factoring a difference of squares
  • factoring a sum or difference of cubes
  • applying the factoring strategy to factor a polynomial completely 


Solving Linear Equations 

BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 12: AdditionProperty of Equality

This tutorial covers:
  • knowing what a linear equation is
  • knowing if a value is a solution or not

  • using the addition and subtraction properties of equalities to solvelinear equations

BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 13: MultiplicationProperty of Equality

This tutorial covers:
  • using the multiplication and division properties of equalities to solvelinear equations
  • solving an equation using more than one property
  • knowing how to express consecutive integers in terms of x,if the first integer is x
  • knowing how to express even consecutive integers in terms of x,if the first even integer is x
  • knowing how to express odd consecutive integers in terms of x,if the first odd integer is x 

BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 14: SolvingLinear Equations

This tutorial covers:
  • solving linear equations by using a combination of simplifying andvariousproperties of equality 

IntermediateAlgebra Tutorial 7: LinearEquations in One Variable

This tutorial covers:
  • knowing what a linear equation is
  • knowing if a value is a solution or not
  • using the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and divisionpropertiesof equalities to solve linear equations
  • knowing when an equation has no solution
  • knowing when an equation has all real numbers as a solution 

College AlgebraTutorial 14: LinearEquations in One Variable

This tutorial covers:
  • knowing what a linear equation is
  • knowing if a value is a solution or not
  • using the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and divisionpropertiesof equalities to solve linear equations
  • knowing when an equation has no solution
  • knowing when an equation has all real numbers as a solution


Translating Words into AlgebraicExpressions andApplications

BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 15: Introductionto Problem Solving

This tutorial covers:
  • using Polya's four step process to solve word problems involvingnumbers,rectangles, supplementary angles, and complementary angles 

BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 17: FurtherProblem Solving

This tutorial covers:
  • using Polya's four step process to solve word problems involvinggeometryconcepts, distance, mixtures and interest 

IntermediateAlgebra Tutorial 2: AlgebraicExpressions

This tutorial covers:
  • knowing what a variable is
  • knowing what an algebraic expression is
  • evaluating an algebraic expression given a value for a variable
  • translating an English phrase into an algebraic expression 

IntermediateAlgebra Tutorial 8: Introductionto Problem Solving

This tutorial covers:
  • using Polya's four step process to solve word problems involvingnumbers,percents, rectangles, supplementary angles, complementary angles,consecutiveintegers, and breaking even 

IntermediateAlgebra Tutorial 9: Formulasand Problem Solving

This tutorial covers:
  • solving a formula for a given variable
  • using Polya's four step process to solve word problems involvingformulas 

College AlgebraTutorial 16: FormulasandApplications

This tutorial covers:
  • translating an English phrase into an algebraic expression
  • using Polya's four step process to solve word problems
  • solving a formula for a given variable 



BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 18: SolvingLinear Inequalities

This tutorial covers:
  • using the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and divisionpropertiesof  inequalities to solve linear inequalities
  • drawing a graph to give a visual answer to an inequality problem 

IntermediateAlgebra Tutorial 10: LinearInequalities

This tutorial covers:
  • using the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and divisionpropertiesof  inequalities to solve linear inequalities
  • writing the answer to an inequality using interval notation
  • drawing a graph to give a visual answer to an inequality problem 

College AlgebraTutorial 22: LinearInequalities

This tutorial covers:
  • using the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and divisionpropertiesof  inequalities to solve linear inequalities
  • solving linear inequalities involving absolute values
  • writing the answer to an inequality using interval notation
  • drawing a graph to give a visual answer to an inequality problem


Coordinate Geometry 

BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 20: TheRectangular Coordinate System

This tutorial covers:
  • plotting points on a rectangular coordinate system
  • identifying what quadrant or axis a point lies on
  • telling if an ordered pair is a solution of an equation in twovariablesor not
  • completing an ordered pair that has one missing value 

BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 21: GraphingLinear Equations

This tutorial covers:
  • recognizing when an equation in two variables is a linear equation
  • graphing a linear equation 

BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 22: Intercepts

This tutorial covers:
  • finding the x- and y-interceptsof a linear function
  • graphing a linear function using the x-and y-intercepts
  • graphing vertical and horizontal lines 

BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 23: Slope

This tutorial covers:
  • finding the slope given a graph or two points
  • knowing the relationship between slopes of parallel lines as well asslopesof perpendicular lines 

IntermediateAlgebra Tutorial 12: GraphingEquations

This tutorial covers:
  • plotting points on a rectangular coordinate system
  • identifying what quadrant or axis a point lies on
  • knowing if an equation is a linear equation
  • telling if an ordered pair is a solution of an equation in twovariablesor not
  • graphing an equation by plotting points 

IntermediateAlgebra Tutorial 14: GraphingLinear Equations

This tutorial covers:
  • finding the x- and y-interceptsof a linear function
  • graphing a linear function using the x-and y-intercepts
  • graphing vertical and horizontal lines

IntermediateAlgebra Tutorial 15: TheSlope of a Line

This tutorial covers:
  • finding the slope given a graph, two points or an equation
  • writing a linear equation in slope/intercept form
  • determining if two lines are parallel, perpendicular, or neither 

College AlgebraTutorial 25: Slope ofa Line

This tutorial covers:
  • knowing when a line rises, falls, is horizontal or is vertical
  • finding the slope given two points on the line 

College AlgebraTutorial 27: GraphingLines

This tutorial covers:
  • graphing a straight line using the y-interceptand slope
  • graphing vertical and horizontal lines


Rules of Exponents 

BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 26: Exponents

This tutorial covers:
  • using the definition of exponents
  • simplifying exponential expressions involving multiplying like bases,zeroas an exponent, dividing like bases, raising a base to two exponents,raisinga product to an exponent and raising a quotient to an exponent 

IntermediateAlgebra Tutorial 23:  Exponentsand Scientific Notation Part I

This tutorial covers:
  • using the definition of exponents, simplifying exponential expressionsinvolving multiplying like bases, zero as an exponent, dividing likebases,and negative exponents
  • writing a number in scientific notation
  • writing a number in standard notation, without exponents

IntermediateAlgebra Tutorial 24:  Exponentsand Scientific Notation Part II

This tutorial covers:
  • simplifying exponential expressions involving raising a base to twoexponents,raising a product to an exponent and raising a quotient to an exponent
  • multiplying and dividing numbers written in scientific notation 

College AlgebraTutorial 2:  IntegerExponents

This tutorial covers:
  • using the definition of exponents
  • simplifying exponential expressions involving multiplying like bases,zeroas an exponent, dividing like bases, negative exponents, raising a baseto two exponents, raising a product to an exponent and raising aquotientto an exponent 


Solving Quadratic Equations

College AlgebraTutorial 17: QuadraticEquations

This tutorial covers:
  • solving quadratic equations by factoring
  • solving quadratic equations by the square root method
  • solving quadratic equations by completing the square
  • solving quadratic equations by using the quadratic formula
  • finding the discriminant of a quadratic equation and use it to tell howmany and what type of solutions the equation has 




Ahhhhh, a relief from algebra.  This sectioncovers the basicsof geometry.  You do not need to know how to do geometry proofsforthe test - YEAH!!!  After completing this section, youwill be able to write funny little cartoons like this one (ha, ha - Ijustcouldn't resist).

You need to go to all the links that are under each topic forarithmetic to get the full benefit. 

The geometry area covers:


SPECIAL NOTE - pleaseread beforestarting this section:

You need to go to all the links that are undereach topic forgeometry to get the full benefit. 


Lines, Angles, Polygons,Triangles, Quadrilaterals, 
and Circles

BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 33: BasicGeometry

This tutorial covers:


Formulas for Two- andThree- 
Dimensional Figures

BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 32: Formulas

This tutorial covers:
  • solving a formula for a given variable
  • solving problems involving formulas for two- and three- dimensionalfigures



Data Analysis

This is a very important area to know when going intograduate school. Most of you will be working on a thesis or a dissertation.  Nomatterwhat field you are in you, chances are you will have to do dataanalysison that work.  I'msure you will have better luck with probabilities than Frank and Ernest.

You need to go to all the links that are under each topic forarithmetic to get the full benefit. 

The data analysis area covers:


SPECIAL NOTE - pleaseread beforestarting this section:

You need to go to all the links that are undereach topic fordata analysis to get the full benefit. 


 Measures of CentralLocation, Measures ofDispersion,
and Frequency Distributions

BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 34: CentralTendencies

This tutorial covers:
  • finding the mean, median, mode, range, standard deviation and frequencydistribution of a list of values


and Combinations

College AlgebraTutorial 55: TheFundamentalCounting Principle

This tutorial covers:
  • using the Fundamental Counting Principle to determine the number ofoutcomesin a problem 

College AlgebraTutorial 56: Permutations

This tutorial covers:
  • using permutations to solve a counting problem involving order 

College AlgebraTutorial 57: Combinations

This tutorial covers:
  • using combinations to solve a counting problem involving groups 



College AlgebraTutorial 58: Probability

This tutorial covers:
  • finding the probability of an empirical event
  • finding a theoretical probability
  • knowing when two events are mutually exclusive
  • using basic properties of probability to find various probabilities
  • knowing when two events are independent of each other
  • knowing how to find the probability of the intersection of twoindependentevents 


 Data Representation andInterpretation

BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 9: ReadingGraphs

This tutorial covers:
  • reading a bar graph 
  • reading a line graph
  • reading a double line graph
  • drawing and reading a Venn diagram


BeginningAlgebra Tutorial 16: Percentand Problem Solving

This tutorial covers:
  • converting percents into decimal numbers
  • converting decimal numbers into percents
  • solving word problems involving percents 
  • pie charts with percents
  • tables with percents
Note that this tutorial is also found under Arithmetic/Percentsabove.  For Data Representation andInterpretationgo to the pie charts and tables in this tutorial.